
Some writeups about our work in popular magazines:
  • MIT's Technology Review Magazine, Vol.106, No.1, p.17 (Feb 2003).
  • in Laser Focus World, ``Photonic Frontiers: Biologically Inspired Optics: Lessons from Nature'', Jeff Hecht, Vol.41, No.1, p.113 (Jan 2005).
    A wavelet approach to foveating images
    E.-C. Chang and C. Yap, Proc. 13th ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, pp. 397-399, 1997.
    Realtime Visualization of Large Images over a Thinwire
    E.-C. Chang and C. Yap and T.-J. Yen, IEEE Visualization '97 (Late Breaking Hot Topics), Tucson, Arizona. Oct 19-24, 1997. CD and Video Proceedings.
    Foveation Techniques and Scheduling Issues in Thinwire Visualization
    E.-C. Chang. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Computer Science, New York University. May 1998.
    The thesis file is almost 17MB. To download in smaller chunks:
    [Title, Table of Contents] [Chaps. 1, 2 ] [Chaps. 3, 4 ] [Appendices] [References]
    Competitive Online Scheduling with Level of Service
    E.-C. Chang and C. Yap. J. of Scheduling, (Special Issue on Online Scheduling) 6:3(2003)251-268. Also in: Proc. 7th Annual Intl. Computing and Combinatorics Conf. (COCOON'01), August 20-23, 2001, Guilin, China. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer.
    Wavelet Foveation
    E.-C. Chang, S. Mallat and C. Yap. J. of Applied Computational Harmonic Analysis, 9:3(2000)312-335.
    Yet Another Look at Fractional Cascading: B-Graphs with Application to Point Location
    C. Yap and Y. Zhu, 13th Canadian Conference on Computational Geometry, University of Waterloo, Aug 13-15, 2001.
    A Different Manhattan Project: Automatic Statistical Model Generation
    C. Yap, H. Biermann, A. Hertzman, C. Li, J. Meyer, H.K. Pao, and T. Paxia, May 2001. Proc. IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging, 19-25 Jan, 2002, San Jose, California.
    Responsive Thinwire Visualization: Application to Large Geographic Datasets
    C. Yap., K. Been, and Z. Du, March 2001. Proc. IS&T/SPIE Symposium on Electronic Imaging, 19-25 Jan, 2002, San Jose, California.
    Responsive Thinwire Visualization of Large Geographic Datasets
    K. Been. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Computer Science, New York University. Sept. 2002.
    A Responsive Architecture for Thinwire Visualization
    K. Been and C. Yap, 2003.
    A Qualitative Profile-Based Approach to Edge Detection (almost 4 MB size)
    Ting-jen Yen, Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Computer Science, New York University, Sept 2003.
    Dynamic Map Labeling
    K. Been, E. Daiches and C. Yap, IEEE Trans. on Visualization and Computer Graphics, Vol.12, No.5, pp.773-780, Oct 2006.
    Reviewed in Computing Reviews ( #CR134041,, Mar 14, 2007)