
Foveation Theory: We investigate the foveation phenomenon and its connection to wavelets. You can go directly to our simple java demos which show the potential bandwidth reduction of foveated images.
Thinwire Image Server: We constructed an active image server over the internet. The images (e.g., a very high resolution map) served are too large to be transmitted but the user can zoom, pan, vary foveation point and resolution of the viewing window.
Jan 2003: This month's Technology Review Magazine has a short article about our FovealPoint technology!
GIS on the Web: Geographical Information Systems (GIS) services on the internet poses an interesting challenge to active visualization. An important subproblem is the multi-resolution modeling of GIS data elements. Here is our map server demo based on our Responsitive Zooming Telescope architecture.
Point Location: Investigation of point location algorithms for GIS data sets. An important property we want to exploit is the presence of monotone chains. Here is a demo.
Tiger Tools: The TIGER data set is extensively used in our work, and here we make available useful some tools and processed data sets.
Image Tools: We address some issues in the synthesis, manipulation and visualization of images. Very large (terabyte) size images poses its own set of problems.
A Different Manhattan Project: Most challenges in visualization are related to the size and complexity of the geometric models. We need tools to create such large models. The Different Manhattan project addresses the tools for automatic generation of a large city ("Manhattan like") based on statistical parameters.
Volume Visualization: Volume visualization is an excellent domain for applying active visualization techniques. The problem of projecting the original volumetric information into a planar image has many possible solutions. The challenge is to integrate these projection operators with dynamic multifoveation.
Profile-based Edge Detection: An approach to automatic line detection motivated by the snake approach. We focus on the concept of ``profile forces'' and develop specialized snake-like construct that seek out certain classes of profiles.
Auto-Foveating Web Services: We propose a technique to solve the image transmission bottleneck in thinwire settings based on foveation and a web proxy that replaces in-line images with foveated replicas.