[SMT-LIB] TAP 2014: 2nd Call for Contributions

Martina Seidl martina.seidl at jku.at
Mon Jan 27 06:00:11 EST 2014

*  8th International Conference
*  on
*  http://www.tap2014.org
*  Co-located with STAF, York, UK, July 24-25, 2014
*  Call for Paper
*  Abstract submission: February 25, 2014
*  Paper submission:    March 1, 2014


The TAP conference is devoted to the synergy of proofs and tests,
to the application of techniques from both sides and their combination
for the advancement of software quality.

Testing and proving seem to be orthogonal techniques: once a program
has been proven to be correct then additional testing seems
pointless; however, when such a proof in not feasible, then
testing the program seems to be the only option. This view
has dominated the research community for a long time, and has
resulted in distinct communities pursuing the different
research areas.

The development of both approaches has led to the discovery of
common issues and to the realization of potential synergy.
Perhaps, the use of model checking in testing was one of the
first signs that a counterexample to a proof may be interpreted
as a test case. Recent breakthroughs in deductive techniques
such as satisfiability modulo theories, abstract interpretation,
and interactive theorem proving, have paved the way for new and
practically effective methods of powering testing techniques.
Moreover, since formal, proof-based verification is costly,
testing invariants and background theories can be helpful to
detect errors early and to improve cost effectiveness. Summing up, in
the past few years an increasing number of research efforts have
encountered the need for combining proofs and tests, dropping earlier
dogmatic views of incompatibility and taking instead the best of what
each of these software engineering domains has to offer.

The TAP conference aims to bring together researchers and practitioners
working in the converging fields of testing and proving by offering
a generous forum for the presentation of ongoing research,
for tutorials on established technologies and for informal discussions.

Topics of Interest

Topics of interest cover theory definitions, tool constructions and
experimentations, and include (other topics related to TAP are welcome):

- Bridging the gap between concrete and symbolic techniques, e.g. using
   proof search in satisfiability modulo theories solvers to enhance
   various testing techniques
- Transfer of concepts from testing to proving (e.g., coverage criteria)
   and from proving to testing
- Program proving with the aid of testing techniques
- Verification and testing techniques combining proofs and tests
- Generation of test data, oracles, or preambles by deductive techniques
   such as: theorem proving, model checking, symbolic execution,
   constraint logic programming
- Model-based testing and verification
- Generation of specifications by deduction
- Automatic bug finding
- Debugging of programs combining static and dynamic analysis
- Case studies combining tests and proofs
- Domain specific applications of testing and proving to new application
   domains such as validating security protocols, vulnerability detection
   of programs, security
- Testing of verification environments and reasoning engines like solvers
   and theorem provers
- New approaches such as crowd-sourcing and serious games to
   infer intended semantics and assess correctness
- Formal frameworks
- Tool descriptions and experience reports

Important Dates:

Abstract submission:   February 25, 2014
Paper submission:      March 1, 2014
Notification:          April 28, 2014
Camera ready version:  May 12, 2014
TAP conference:        July 24-25, 2014


Finding Malware on a Web Scale by Ben Livshits

Program Chairs:

Martina Seidl (JKU Linz/TU Wien, Austria)
Nikolai Tillmann (Microsoft Research, USA)

Program Committee:

Arnaud Gotlieb
Dirk Beyer
Achim D. Brucker
Robert Clarisó
Marco Comini
Catherine Dubois
Juhan Ernits
Gordon Fraser
Angelo Gargantini
Christoph Gladisch
Martin Gogolla
Reiner Hähnle
Bart Jacobs
Thierry Jéron
Jacques Julliand
Gregory Kapfhammer
Nikolai Kosmatov
Victor Kuliamin
Karl Meinke
Alexandre Petrenko
Holger Schlingloff
Martina Seidl
Nikolai Tillmann
T.H. Tse
Margus Veanes
Luca Viganò
Burkhart Wolff
Fatiha Zaidi


Please submit your papers via easychair
(submission page to be opened in due time)

TAP 2014 will accept two types of papers and also tutorials:

- Research papers: full papers with at most 16 pages in LNCS format
   (pdf), which have to be original, unpublished and not submitted
   elsewhere. Research papers should clearly describe the addressed
   problem, the relevant state-of-the-art, the scientifically-founded
   solution, and the benefits of the presented approach.

- Short contributions: work in progress, (industrial) experience
   reports or tool demonstrations, position statements; an extended
   abstract with at most 6 pages in LNCS format (pdf) is expected.
   The same evaluation criteria apply to short papers as to full
   research papers. Short papers will be reviewed to the same
   standards of quality as full research papers.

- Tutorials: TAP 2014 further invites one-hour tutorial presentation
   surveying the  state-of-the-art of any research field related
   to the topics of TAP. Tutorial proposals shall have a maximum
   length of 3 pages in LNCS format (pdf) and provide information
   about the content, a short outline, and information about the

Accepted full and short papers will be published in the Springer LNCS
series and will be available at the conference. Accepted tutorials
will be assigned a slot of 60 minutes during the conference.

The contents of previous TAP proceedings is available at:

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