[SMT-LIB] Results of SMT Steering Committee Election 2012

Bruno Dutertre bruno.dutertre at sri.com
Tue Aug 21 13:58:24 EDT 2012

Dear All,

The SMT Steering Committee Election 2012 was held from July 25, 2012
through August 10, 2012 to replace two elected members: Clark Barrett
and Roberto Sebastiani.

Four candidates were nominated for these two positions:
Alessandro Cimatti, Pascal Fontaine, Sava Krstic, and Cesare Tinelli.

The overall result of the election is the following:

Cesare Tinelli and Pascal Fontaine

are elected for 2 years. The details of the election process can be
found below.

On behalf of the SMT Steering Committee, we would like to thank all
candidates for running in the election and all the voters; we also
congratulate with Cesare and Pascal for being elected.

Best regards,

Bruno Dutertre and Silvio Ranise


According to the SMT bylaws
(http://combination.cs.uiowa.edu/SMT/bylaws.html), the election
follows the Single Transferrable Vote (STV) algorithm (explained in
the CADE Bylaws at

Calls for votes were sent by electronic mail to eligible voters with a
current email address.

Eligible voters were people who had registered for or (co-)authored a
paper at an SMT workshop in the last 3 years, as well as all present
and past SC members, for a total of 124 voters. Of these, 33
responded with a vote, representing a participation level of (almost)
27%. All votes were valid.

As in previous elections, the SC members running this election
(Dutertre and Ranise) recused themselves and did not vote.

The tables below show the run of the STV algorithm.

Initial distribution of preferences among the candidates:

Candidate Cimatti Fontaine Krstic Tinelli Total
1st choices 10 8 3 12 33
2nd choices 5 9 6 9 29
3rd choices 6 7 5 6 24
4th choices 4 3 13 2 22
Total 25 27 27 29 108

After redistributing Krstic votes:

Candidate Cimatti Fontaine Tinelli Total
1st choices 10 9 14 33
2nd choices 5 10 11 26
3rd choices 10 8 4 22
Total 25 27 29 81

After redistributing Fontaine votes:

Candidate Cimatti Tinelli Total
1st choices 12 20 32
2nd choices 13 9 22
Total 25 29 54

Cesare Tinelli is elected.

By redistributing Cesare Tinelli's votes:

Candidates Cimatti Fontaine Krstic Total
1st choices 13 14 4 31
2nd choices 8 9 9 26
3rd choices 4 4 14 22
Total 25 27 27 79

After redistributing Krstic votes:

Candidates Cimatti Fontaine Total
1st choices 13 16 29
2nd choices 12 11 23
Total 25 27 52

Pascal Fontaine is elected.

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