[SMT-LIB] Question on Initializing Large Arrays in SMT

Bill Kimball kimballwb at gmail.com
Sun Jan 23 12:19:41 EST 2011

Hello all,
Sorry if this is a dup... not sure if the first email went through before


I'm having trouble figuring out the proper way to initialize a large array
in SMT.

If I have an array (in c code) such as:

char myArray[] = "\x11\x22\x33\x44 ... (where 11, 22, 33 etc are hex bytes)

Using theory of Arrays in SMT I presume I could do:
(store (store (store (store A 0 bvhex11[8]) 1 bvhex22[8]) 2 bvhex33[8]) 3
bvhex44[8]) ...

My question is ....Is this the "right" way to create an array in SMT with a
very large number of initial values?  There would be thousands of stores and
I'm not sure if this is "efficient".

Thanks for any help,
Bill Kimball

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