[SMT-LIB] Post-Doctoral Positions

David G Mitchell mitchell at cs.sfu.ca
Fri Jan 19 00:41:51 EST 2007

  Computing Science Post-Doctoral Positions - Simon Fraser University

  Applications are invited for Post-Doctoral Fellowships supporting work on the
  MX Project, in the Computational Logic Laboratory at Simon Fraser University.
  The goal of the MX Project is to develop effective techniques for modelling and
  solving of search and optimization problems using logic.  Further information
  on the project can be found at http://www.cs.sfu.ca/research/groups/mxp/.
  Between 1 and 3 fellowships will be offered, depending upon final level of
  funding and availability of suitable candidates.

  Ideal candidates will have background in logic for computing science, with an
  interest in several of:

     -- finite model theory and descriptive complexity
     -- constraint modelling languages
     -- logic and databases or database query processing
     -- solvers for SAT/CSP/SMT/QBF
     -- combinatorial optimization and algorithms
     -- knowledge representation or theorem proving

  The selected candidate(s) will work closely with the other members of the
  MX Project team on fundamental theoretical or applied problems related to
  the project.  Work on the more applied problems may also involve interaction
  with our industrial partner.

  Positions will commence as soon as possible after a candidate is chosen.
  Current project funding is for one year, with possibility of extension.
  Funding will depend upon background, but will be not less than Cdn $42,000,
  with the possibility teaching a one-semester course for additional stipend.
  Some funds will be available for conference travel.

  Simon Fraser University is located atop Burnaby Mountain in Vancouver, Canada.
  Vancouver thrives as a scenic waterfront city located just minutes away from
  the mountains and a wide range of outdoor activities. Vancouver's cultural
  and intellectual pursuits, leisure opportunities, favourable climate, and
  clean and safe environment are consistently cited as quality of life factors
  that make it one of the most desirable places in the world to live and work.

  Interested applicants should contact one of project leaders:

     Eugenia Ternovska ter at cs.sfu.ca
     David Mitchell mitchell at cs.sfu.ca

  For full consideration, application should be made by February 10, 2007.

  Please forward to any interested parties.

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