[SMT-COMP] Postdoctoral positions in automated reasoning at Stanford University 

Clark Barrett barrett at cs.stanford.edu
Tue Sep 19 14:07:39 EDT 2017

Formal Methods and Automated Reasoning
Department of Computer Science, Stanford University
Two Postdoctoral Positions

This is a call for interest for postdoctoral research at Stanford
University under Professor Clark Barrett.

One position will focus on extending the Reluplex tool for verifying
properties of Deep Neural Networks (see

The other position is for a new project called HERMES to develop an
efficient, explainable, and scalable automated reasoning system that will
combine SMT solvers with other domain-specific reasoning systems.


The ideal applicant must have:
* a PhD in Computer Science or a closely related field
* strong programming skills, especially in C++ and Python
* a strong publication record in formal methods

In addition, in-depth knowledge of the inner workings of SMT solvers is a
plus, and for the first project, familiarity with linear programming
techniques is highly desirable.

Application details

Interested applicants should send their CV, including a list of
publications, in PDF to barrett at cs.stanford.edu together with a statement
outlining their suitability for at least one of the projects and the names
of at least two references.

We anticipate the start date for these positions to be January 1, 2018 or
soon thereafter, depending on how long it takes to fill the positions.

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