[SMT-COMP] [SMT-LIB] Draft of SMT-LIB 2.5: request for feedback

Jürgen Christ christj at informatik.uni-freiburg.de
Sat Sep 27 19:44:09 EDT 2014

> The standardized get-model and check-sat-assuming look great, but I'm
> concerned that you can't use them together. From the description of
> check-sat-assuming on page 54:
> "Note that after the command executes the current context does not
> contain the assumptions anymore; as a consequence, it is not
> meaningful, and so not permitted, to call model inspection commands
> such as get-model or get-assignment immediately after
> check-sat-assuming."

That seems very limiting.  Why not remove check-sat-assuming and add an assume 
command and a clear-assumptions command?  Then, we can simply declare both 
commands as modifications of the assertion stack and have a solution to the 
model problem.

> In my case, I'm always interested in getting a model after a sat
> result. So what would the workflow be like for me?
> (check-sat-assuming a1 ... an)
> ;; Receive sat response
> (push 1)
> (assert a1 ... an)
> (check-sat)
> (get-model)
> (pop 1)
> This feels cumbersome and I worry about the efficiency implications.
> It would be nice if one could somehow inspect the model created via
> check-sat-assuming, or at least have a command like
> check-sat-assuming-and-get-model-if-sat. That's a bit tongue in cheek,
> but you get the idea.

My proposal:

(assume a1 ... an)

I see that an assume command raises the problem of "additive" assumptions like
(assume a1 ... an)
(assume b1 ... bm)

But it should be easy to forbid that or implement it...

At first glance I also found an inconsistency on page 43.  The abstract values 
are not written using (as ...), but this syntax made it into the draft.



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