[SMT-COMP] Announcing the release of CVC4, version 1.0

Clark Barrett barrett at cs.nyu.edu
Mon Dec 3 16:35:50 EST 2012

We are pleased to announce the first public release of CVC4, version 1.0,
the open-source flagship SMT solver developed at New York University and
the University of Iowa, available at:


CVC4 is the latest in the CVC series of SMT solvers and provides the
functionality of its predecessors while dramatically boosting performance.
 Features include:

 - support for the native (CVC) language as well as the SMT-LIB standard
 - decision procedures for the following theories and their combination:
      equality with uninterpreted functions, real and integer linear
      bit-vectors, arrays, tuples, records, and user-defined inductive data
 - support for quantifiers through heuristic instantiation;
 - an interactive text-based interface;
 - a rich API for embedding in other systems (available for C++ and Java);
 - model generation abilities;
 - source compatibility with much of the CVC3 API via a "compatibility
 - essentially no limit on the use of source or binaries for research or
commercial purposes
      (details on the license can be found on the web site).

We welcome feedback, feature requests, contributions, and collaborations.
 It is our hope that CVC4 will become a research platform for a broad and
diverse set of users and developers.  If you are interested in getting
involved with the project, please contact a member of the development team:

  Clark Barrett (NYU, project leader)
  Cesare Tinelli (U Iowa, project leader)
  Kshitij Bansal (NYU)
  François Bobot (Paris-Diderot University)
  Chris Conway (Google)
  Morgan Deters (NYU)
  Liana Haderean (NYU)
  Dejan Jovanović (NYU)
  Tim King (NYU)
  Andrew Reynolds (U Iowa)

The development of CVC4 is supported in part by the following organizations:

 - The Air Force Office of Scientific Research (award FA9550-09-1-0596)
 - Intel Corporation
 - The National Science Foundation (grants  0644299,  0914956, 1049495,
1228765, 1228768)
  - The Semiconductor Research Corporation (contract 2008-TJ-1850)

Downloads, documentation, tutorials, and more information are available at
the CVC4 web site:


-The CVC4 team

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