ch manuscript

martdowd at martdowd at
Tue Oct 11 22:46:08 EDT 2022

I have added the following to the end of the introduction to Some Arguments in Favor of the Continuum Hypothesis
Recently there has been considerable argument that certain axioms for
set theory, which imply $\fc=\aleph_2$, should be considered.
For example, the following statement is made in \cite{AspSch}.

As we shall now try to explain, in the light of our unifying result, Theorem
1.2, one could make the case that with the two axioms MM++ and $(*)$,
natural and strong such axioms have already been found.

\cite{AspSch} goes on to say

One axiom that does settle the Continuum Problem is CH itself; after all, CH
looks natural in that it gives the least possible value to $2^{\aleph_0}$

and then to state that ``CH is often regarded as
a minimalistic assumption'' which precludes ``maximality principles''
such as forcing axioms.

In this note it is argued that,
although ZFC places no bound on the cardinality of a well-order of the reals,
in fact the value is $\aleph_1$.
The arguments are simple and require only basic set theory
and some basic forcing theory.

Mathematics Magazine rejected the manuscript as having too ,much mathematics; I'm submitting iy elsewhere.  Thanks to Tim Chow for his comments on the manuscripy.
Martin Dowd
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