Re: on a hard to find paper by Sobociński

Sara L. Uckelman s.l.uckelman at
Sun Nov 21 07:24:58 EST 2021

Roughly this time last year I put out a similar request to all my 
contacts on FB and twitter, with no luck.  [Every year, my students ask 
why system T is called "T".  Hughes & Cresswell cite Sobociński as the 
first time Feys' system 't' was called "T", and I really want to know 
the details!)

If you get a copy, I would love to have it too!


On 11/20/21 22:52, Joao Marcos wrote:
> This is often cited as a foundational paper in the field of
> many-valued logics, but it seems rather inaccessible:
> Bolesław Sobociński. Axiomatization of a partial system of three-value
> calculus of propositions. The Journal of Computing Systems (St. Paul),
> vol. 1 no. 1 (1952), pp. 23–55.
> Would any of the colleagues that happen to have a copy of it be so
> kind as to share it with us?
> Yours sincerely,
> Joao (and Umberto)

Dr. Sara L. Uckelman
Department of Philosophy
Durham University

The Dictionary of Medieval Names from European Sources

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