[FOM] CL 2020: first announcement

Cenzer,Douglas A cenzer at ufl.edu
Wed Jan 15 12:46:21 EST 2020


23-26 September 2020, Konstanz, Germany

The Colloquium Logicum is organized every two years by the "Deutsche Vereinigung fuer Mathematische Logik und fuer Grundlagenforschung der Exakten Wissenschaften" (DVMLG). In 2020, it will be hosted at the University of Konstanz. The conference will cover the whole range of mathematical logic and the foundations of the exact sciences. In addition to all fields of mathematical logic, this includes the philosophy of the exact sciences, logic in philosophy, and logic in computer science and artificial intelligence.

Keynote Speakers.

Laurent Bienvenu (Bordeaux)
Catrin Campbell-Moore (Bristol)
Wesley Holliday (Berkeley)
Christian Ikenmeyer (Liverpool)
Angeliki Koutsoukou-Argyraki (Cambridge) Alison Pease (Dundee) Margaret Thomas (West Lafayette)

In addition to the keynote talks, there will be a "PhD Colloquium" with invited presentations of excellent recent PhD graduates.

Programme Committee: C. Antos, M. Carl, D. Cenzer, E. Fokina, I. Halupczok, D.
Klein, S. Kuhlmann (chair), O. Linnebo, B. Loewe, M. Ziegler.

An invitation for submission of abstracts for presentations will be issued soon.

Colloquium Logicum 2020 is generously funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG-grant LO 834/18-1).

If you have any questions, please contact us by email at cl2020 (at) uni-konstanz.de.

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