4-year PhD position

Georg Moser georg.moser at uibk.ac.at
Sat Feb 8 02:31:44 EST 2020

Dear All,

I'm happy to announce the attached job offer; kindly note that the 
official link


will only be available from February 13.



4-year PhD position  at the  University of Innsbruck

Within the  Theoretical Computer  Science Group  of the  Department of
Computer Science at  the University of Innsbruck, Austria  there is an
opening for a 4 year PhD student position.

We are  looking for a  strong candidate  interested in one  (ideally a
combination) of  the following  areas (i)  automation; (ii)  logic and
type  theory;   (iii)  programming  languages;  (iv)   static  program
analysis. Kindly  see https://tcs-informatik.uibk.ac.at/vacancies/ for
further details.

Applications (including  CV, letter  of motivation,  three references)
may be submitted via the following link


no  later than  March  20, 2020.  Informal inquiries  may  be sent  to
georg.moser at uibk.ac.at.

The  city   of  Innsbruck  is   superbly  located  in   the  beautiful
surroundings  of the  Tyrolean  Alps. The  combination  of the  Alpine
environment  and urban  life in  this  historic town  provides a  high
quality of living.

Further information is available from the following links:

- Theoretical Computer Science Group
- Department of Computer Science
- University of Innsbruck

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