[FOM] Fwd: Aubert Daigneault passes

Martin Davis martin at eipye.com
Tue Dec 3 22:09:05 EST 2019

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Dana Scott <scott at andrew.cmu.edu>
Date: Tue, Dec 3, 2019 at 1:47 PM
Subject: Aubert Daigneault passes

>From Princeton Alumni Weekly — Published December 4, 2019

Aubert Daigneault *59, professor emeritus of mathematics at the University
of Montreal, died Jan. 30, 2019, at age 86.

Daigneault graduated in 1954 and 1956 with bachelor’s and master’s degrees
respectively, from the University of Montreal. In 1959 he earned a Ph.D.
in mathematics from Princeton in 1959.

He began his teaching career in 1958 and it lasted until 2000, when he
a professor emeritus at the University of Montreal in the department of
mathematics and statistics, where he had been the director for nine years.
Daigneault taught at the Royal Military College in Kingston, the University
of Ottawa, and at the University of California, Berkeley. His teaching
encompassed several aspects of mathematics, and in particular the axiomatic
theory of sets, Galois theory, non-standard analysis, and the theory of

Daigneault believed in eternal life, in rational knowledge, and in love.
He became a pantheist in the manner of Giordano Bruno, Baruch Spinoza,
and Albert Einstein. He is survived by his wife, Monique; and two sons.

Graduate memorials are prepared by the APGA.
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