[FOM] CFP: 4th SILFS Postgraduate Conference on Logic and Philosophy of Science

Pierluigi Graziani pierluigigraziani at gmail.com
Thu Oct 11 04:46:58 EDT 2018




*3rd-7th of June 2019*

Under the auspices of the

*Division of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science and Technology

*Venue: *Department of Pure and Applied Sciences

Palazzo Albani,

via Timoteo Viti 10, Urbino (PU), 60129 Italy


ABSTRACT SUBMISSION DEADLINE: *30th of December, 2018*

We are pleased to announce that the *4th SILFS Postgraduate Conference on
Logic and Philosophy of Science* is going to be entirely devoted to young

The aim of the conference is to gather young researchers working in the
field of logic and philosophy of sciences and to offer them the opportunity
to present and discuss their papers in an informal and stimulating

The conference is divided into eight sessions, namely:

1) Philosophy of Biology and Health Sciences

2) Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science

3) Foundations of Computing and Artificial Intelligence

4) Classical and Non-Classical Logics

5) Philosophy and Foundations of Physics

6) Foundations of Logic and Mathematics

7) Philosophy of Social Sciences

8) General Philosophy of Science

The sessions will be chaired, respectively, by the following scholars:

1) Chairs: *Cristina Amoretti* (Univ. of Genoa) --- *Gilberto
Corbellini* (Sapienza
Univ. of Rome, CNR-DSU)

2) Chairs: *Luisa Damiano* (Univ. of Messina) --- *Francesco Bianchini* (Uni.
of Bologna)

3) Chairs: *Edoardo Datteri*  (Univ. of Milano-Bicocca) --- *Guglielmo
Tamburrini* (Univ. of Naples Federico II)

4) Chairs: *Sara Negri* (Univ. of Helsinki) --- *Roberto Giuntini* (Univ.
of Cagliari)

5) Chairs: *Laura Felline *(Univ. of Rome III) --- *Giuseppe Sergioli* (Univ.
of Cagliari)

6) Chairs: *Laura Crosilla* (Univ. of Birmingham) --- *Emiliano
Ippoliti* (Sapienza
Univ. of Rome)

7) Chairs: *Eleonora Montuschi* (Ca’ Foscari  Univ.  of  Venice) --- *Pierluigi
Barrotta* (Univ. of Pisa)

8) Chairs: *Marco Giunti *(Univ. of Cagliari) --- *Mario Alai* (Univ. of

We invite submissions in the aforementioned areas of research from PhD
students or scholars who completed their PhD in the last 5 years. In the
case of a co-authored paper, at least one of the authors must be a PhD
student or a scholar who completed her/his PhD in the last 5 years; only
those meeting this requirement are eligible to submit the abstract.

Upload an abstract of at most 3000 words (including references) on the
following EasyChair page:


Please, indicate the web site, if it exists, where your CV can be found.

DEADLINE: 30th of December, 2018

Each abstract will go through a double blind peer review.

Notification of acceptance is expected not later than the 30th of March,

Each session will host 4 different talks (30 minutes for each talk + 10
minutes of discussion).

The invited speakers are:

-          *Gerhard Heinzmann* (Université de Lorraine);

-          *Heinrich Wansing* (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)

-          *Benedikt Löwe* (Universiteit van Amsterdam; Universität
Hamburg; University of Cambridge, Cambridge)

-          *The Winner of the SILFS Philosophy of Science Prize*.

Accepted participants must transfer 70.00 Euros to SILFS before the 30th of
April 2019.

The allowed payment methods are by credit card and by bank-transfer.

If you choose to pay by credit card, click on the following link:


If you choose to pay by bank-transfer, please use the following data:

Beneficiary: SILFS – Società Italiana di Logica e Filosofia delle Scienze

Bank: UNICREDIT BANCA (street: Piazza Aldrovandi n.12, 40125 Bologna, BO,


IBAN: IT81X0200802457000103307940

Reason for payment:
Contribution for 4th SILFS Postgraduate Conference – Family_Name  Name

Payment include: conference attendance, school materials, social dinner,
and coffee breaks.

Please note that: travel, accommodation, lunches and dinners are NOT

For information on B&Bs and Hotels visit:


Low rates accommodations are available at:

Collegio Colle (ten minutes from the city center,

Collegio Internazionale (in the city center, http://www.casastudente.it)

Note that it is possible to have lunches and dinners at the university
cafeteria at the cost of 10.00 Euros per meal. If you rather not have
lunch/dinner at the cafeteria, there are a number of sandwich places nearby.

Young researchers who did not pass the selection are still welcome to

The authors of the novel and unpublished works will be invited to submit
full papers which will, eventually, be published in the post conference
proceedings volume in the journal *Foundations of Science*, Springer (
https://link.springer.com/journal/10699 ). All extended versions of the
abstracts will undergo a peer review process according to the journal

The Scientific and Organizing Committee will select the eight best
presentations given in each eight session of the school. The authors of the
selected presentations will receive an award on the last day of the school.

Further information can be found at www.silfs.it or by writing to

Pierluigi Graziani pierluigi.graziani at uniurb.it

*Scientific Committee*:

The Council of SILFS, Italian Society for Logic and the Philosophy of
Science (www.silfs.it).

*Organizing Committee*:

Mario Alai (University of Urbino)

Francesco Bianchini (University of Bologna)

Vincenzo Fano (University of Urbino)

Marco Giunti (University of Cagliari)

Roberto Giuntini (University of Cagliari)

Pierluigi Graziani (University of Urbino)

Giuseppe Sergioli (University of Cagliari)

Gino Tarozzi (University of Urbino)
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