[FOM] Fwd: Invitation Follow-Up: The 2017 Axioms Travel Award—Deadline 30 October 2017

Lukasz T. Stepien sfstepie at cyf-kr.edu.pl
Sun Sep 17 08:23:01 EDT 2017

 Dear All 

   I am forwarding a mail from Professor Humberto Bustince. 

                                          Lukasz T. Stepien


Lukasz T. Stepien

The Pedagogical University of Cracow
Institute of Computer Science,
ul. Podchorazych 2
30-084 Krakow

tel. +48 12 662-78-54, +48 12 662-78-44

The URL  http://www.ltstepien.up.krakow.pl

-------- Original Message -------- 

 		Invitation Follow-Up: The 2017 Axioms Travel Award--Deadline 30
October 2017

 		2017-09-15 14:04

 		Axioms Editorial Office <axioms at mdpi.com>

 		sfstepie at cyf-kr.edu.pl

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Dear Colleague, 

We contacted you on 23 March 2017, announcing a competition for a 2017
Travel Award sponsored by _Axioms _(ISSN 2075-1680,
http://www.mdpi.com/journal/axioms [3]). 

The award consists of 800 SWISS FRANCS to help support travel for a
postdoctoral fellow or PhD student involved in mathematics, mathematical
logic and/or mathematical physics to attend a scientific conference in

We are accepting nominations and applications for this award up until 30
OCTOBER 2017. Please find additional details at
http://www.mdpi.com/journal/axioms/awards.pdf [4] and submit the
required documents to axioms at mdpi.com or luna.shen at mdpi.com. 

Please feel free to forward this email and share it with others who may
be interested. We look forward to receiving your nominations or

Prof. Dr. Humberto Bustince
Editor-in-Chief, _Axioms_
Department of Automatic and Computation, Public University of Navarra,
Pamplona 31006, Spain 


 	* HIGH VISIBILITY: Indexed in the Emerging Sources Citation Index [5]
(ESCI-Web of Science), as well as Scopus, MathSciNet [6], Zentralblatt
MATH [7] and other databases [8].
 	* RAPID PUBLICATION: Submission to first decision takes approximately
22 days; acceptance to publication is undertaken in 4 days (median
values for papers published in this journal in first half of 2017).
 	* OPEN ACCESS: Unlimited and free access for readers



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