[FOM] [blc] John Shepherdson

Dana Scott dana.scott at cs.cmu.edu
Wed Jan 14 18:29:51 EST 2015

> On Jan 14, 2015, at 10:42 AM, John Shepherdson <majcs at bristol.ac.uk> wrote:
> Hi Dana, John Crossley is correct, he was born in 1926 and was 88 years old.
> Jane Shepherdson

Dear Jane,

Thanks for writing.  Philip Welch had made a typo and only
noticed the moment after his message was sent around the
world.  Wilfrid Hodges (among others) found the complete

 SHEPHERDSON, Professor John (07/06/1926-08/01/2015)

We are all deeply sad.  I am especially sorry not to have visited 
with John for so many years.  

My wife and I send our heartfelt sympathy to you and your family. 

	-- DANA

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