[FOM] History and Philosophy of Science - International Summer School & Roundtable, Lille 2015

pisanoraffaele at iol.it pisanoraffaele at iol.it
Sat Feb 7 19:57:34 EST 2015

Dear Membermaybe
 some of you can be interested in these programmes-events. Thank you for
 reading and my apologies for cross-posting if your email works with 
multiple lists.
 Welcome to ISSHPSE–2015!1st International Summer School for Sciences, History and Philosophy of Sciences & Science Education New Educational and Fundamental Insights for Sciences and History-Epistemology-Philosophy of Sciences, & Science Education
  June 22nd-26th, 2015 | MESHS, Lille, France
  Roundtable & Open Debate Exploring
 Changes in How the Histories and Philosophies of Sciences Have Been 
Written: Interpreting the Dynamics of Change in these Sciences and 
Interrelations Amongst Them—Past Problems, Future Cures?26 June 2015 | MESHS, Lille, France Both Hosted by Inter-Divisional Teaching Commission (IDTC) Maison Européenne des Sciences de l'Homme et de la Société (MESHS)
 You are welcome, join us! http://summerschoollille2015.historyofscience.it

Patronaged by: DHST, DLMPS, IHPST
Thank you for your consideration,
Looking forward to meeting you in Lille.
Yours sincerely,On Behalf of the ISSHPSE–2015 Organizing Committee, Summer School DirectorRaffaele Pisano     ---------------------------------------------
Raffaele Pisano, Ph.D.
Lecturer-Researcher (ATER) History of Physics and History and Epistemology of Science & Society Studies 
Vice President of the Inter-divisional Teaching Commission of the DLMPS/IUHPST http://idtc-iuhps.org/officers
University of Lille 1, Department of Physics |  Bât P5 bis, Bureau 168 
59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex | France

Office: +33 (0)   |  French Mobile: +33 (0)6    |    Italian Mobile:  +39 339-31.64.592  
E-mail: pisanoraffaele at iol.it   |  Skype: pisanoraffaele
Past Officer (2006-2012) The European Society for the History of Science

Gillispie CC, Pisano R (2014) Lazare and Sadi Carnot. A Scientific and Filial Relationship. Springer, Dordrecht


"Thought does not respect national frontiers. Yet scientific ideas are far from stateless citizens". (Thackray, A. (1970). Atoms and Powers. Cambridge MA: The Harvard Univ. Press, p. 4, line 4).
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