[FOM] New Foundations consistency problem

Timothy Y. Chow tchow at alum.mit.edu
Mon Oct 28 19:10:05 EDT 2013

David Roberts wrote:

> Ideally he would release it to the public

This assumes that the proof has been written up.  As I understand it, due 
in part to notational difficulties, Holmes finds himself modifying details 
on the fly in the course of his writeup.

Anyway, I just wanted to defend Holmes against the possible insinuation 
that his only possible motivation for not producing a preprint is that 
he's afraid he won't get credit.

Personally, I actually somewhat prefer it when someone takes the time to 
write something up properly before releasing it.  I don't like it as much 
when someone releases a sketchy writeup of a solution to a major open 
problem, getting all the credit, and relying on the mathematical community 
to invest years of (credit-)free labor to clean it all up.


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