[FOM] Fwd: Midwest PhilMath Workshop (MWPMW) 13

Martin Davis martin at eipye.com
Tue Jun 5 02:04:32 EDT 2012

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Michael Detlefsen <mdetlef1 at nd.edu>
Date: Sun, Jun 3, 2012 at 11:12 PM
Subject: Midwest PhilMath Workshop (MWPMW) 13
Dear Friends & Colleagues,

This is an invitation to the thirteenth annual Midwest PhilMath
Workshop (MWPMW 13), to be held at Notre Dame the weekend of Saturday,
October 27th and Sunday, October 28th, 2012. As usual, the plan is to
schedule a full day of talks and discussions for Saturday and a half
day for Sunday. Also as usual, there will be a workshop dinner
Saturday evening, with all participants invited to attend as guests of
the university.

In a few weeks, a website for the workshop will be up, and you'll be
able to keep up with developments there. You can get to it by
following the obvious links on the Philosophy Department's web page
(http://www.nd.edu/~ndphilo/). In due course, the location of the
sessions, the schedule of talks and abstracts for them will also be
posted there.

If you would like to give a talk, email a pdf of your talk or
substantial summary to Paddy (blanchette.1 at nd.edu), Tim
(bays.5 at nd.edu), Curtis (cfranks at nd.edu) and me (mdetlef1 at nd.edu). We
would like to have all proposals for talks by September 1st so that we
can set the program by September 10th. Talks should be 35--40 minutes,
with 15--20 minutes left for discussion.

We're fortunate to have Mrs. Harriet Baldwin (baldwin.1 at nd.edu) as the
workshop manager once again this year. Please contact her with any
questions you may have concerning rooms, meals, etc.. She has booked a
block of rooms for the workshop. Since there are other conferences
going on the same weekend, demand for rooms may be high and it would
thus be a good idea to reserve a room with Harriet as soon as
possible. Please also indicate to her whether you will be joining us
for dinner Saturday evening, and let her know if you have any special
dietary requirements. She can also point you to pertinent travel
information, maps, etc..

Finally, I'd ask that you share this announcement with others you know
who might be interested, including both students and faculty. We are
fortunate once again to have limited funds to help defray expenses for
student participants coming from out of town whose departments do not
have funds to cover their costs. These funds will generally take the
form of subventions for lodging. If you are interested in applying for
a subvention, please notify Mrs. Baldwin of that fact as soon as you
can. Please also have an appropriate faculty member from your
department email me to confirm that it cannot meet your expenses.

That's it for now. I hope you're having a good spring, and I look
forward to seeing you at MWPMW 13 in October. I'll be in contact with
you again as things proceed.


Mic Detlefsen
Director, MWPMW 13

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