[FOM] Fwd: Re: Reflections on Vienna Meeti

by way of Martin Davis <martin@eipye.com> jkennedy at mappi.helsinki.fi
Tue May 17 13:48:16 EDT 2011

Having posted the link, I feel some responsibility for weighing in on
the Voevodsky lecture.

I am not really in a position to evaluate this work, being more
interested in the set theory side of things. But judging from a brief
look at some of the papers and lectures on Voevodsky's homotopy
interpretation of type theory, it looks both very interesting and very
sound. That Voevodsky's coworkers in Univalent Foundations are Awodey
and Coquand seals the deal for me.

So perhaps logicians should be more charitable about some of the
imprecision in the lecture on inconsistency.

All the best,


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