[FOM] Arithmetical soundness of ZFC (platonic)

praatika@mappi.helsinki.fi praatika at mappi.helsinki.fi
Wed Jun 3 15:30:56 EDT 2009

Lainaus "Timothy Y. Chow" <tchow at alum.mit.edu>:

> Hold on, there.  Wasn't the sequence of events roughly as follows?  Frege
> tries to ground all of mathematics in logic.  Russell punctures Frege's
> system with his famous paradox.  Zermelo comes up with Z as a way to avoid
> the set-theoretic antinomies.

More or less... (various paradoxes were discovered independently by  
Cantor, Hilbert, and Zermelo himself, already before Russell. And I  
don't know how much Zermelo even knew about Frege, or Russell; he was  
mainily interested in Cantorian set theory. But that is not really  
important here.)

> Replacement and Choice are added later in
> order to capture certain arguments that don't go through in Z.

Set theoretical arguments - not arguments in "actual mathematical  
practice". The reason I press this is that Cantorian set theory was,  
at the time, extremely controversial, and I just feel it is misleading  
to count it, at the time, as "actual mathematical practice". But this  
is probably just a verbal issue...

> If so, then I still think my sketch is roughly correct.  The motivation
> was not to find the most parsimonious system for all of mathematics, nor
> to find the broadest possible axioms.  It was to capture mathematics in a
> relatively simple set of axioms.

OK, but see above (set theory vs. actual mathematical practice)

> Your sentence here strikes me as anachronistic, in that it presupposes our
> modern, highly refined understanding of the proof-theoretic strength of Z,
> and reads it back into a historical period when such knowledge did not
> exist.  My point is precisely that Z certainly was *not* the most
> parsimonious possible system for capturing mathematics.  It was a first
> attempt, a proof of concept.  Zermelo didn't pick his axioms to be as weak
> as possible and still be able to capture mathematics, nor did he pick them
> to be as powerful as possible ("anything goes").  He picked them to
> capture set-theoretic reasoning in a (hopefully) consistent manner, during
> a period when it was becoming clear that set theory could serve as a
> foundation for all of mathematics.

Set-theoretic reasoning, yes. (But I don't think my point was just  
anachronistic. The great majority of the mathematicians just did not  
accept set theoretical reasoning back then.)

But I think our apparent disagreement turns out to be largely verbal.

All the Best,


Panu Raatikainen

Ph.D., Academy Research Fellow,
Docent in Theoretical Philosophy

Department of Philosophy
University of Helsinki

E-mail: panu.raatikainen at helsinki.fi


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