[FOM] PSI 2009: Submissions Deadline Extended

Perspectives of System Informatics psi09 at iis.nsk.su
Sat Jan 24 13:56:06 EST 2009

<our apologies for cross-posting>

 >>>>>>  IMPORTANT DATES  <<<<<<<

February  8, 2009: pre-submission of short abstracts
February 15, 2009: submission of papers


                              CALL FOR PAPERS
           Seventh International Andrei Ershov Memorial Conference
            15-19 June, 2009, Novosibirsk, Akademgorodok, Russia


PSI is a forum for academic and industrial researchers, developers and users
working on topics relating to computer, software and information sciences. The
conference serves to bridge the gaps between different communities whose
research areas are covered by but not limited to foundations of program and
system development and analysis, programming methodology and software
engineering, and information technologies. The PSI forum provides a venue for
such communities at which common problems, methods and methodologies can be
discussed and explored. In doing so, PSI aims to support researchers in their
quest to improve the reliability, flexibility and efficiency of methods,
algorithms and tools for developing computer, software and 
information systems.

The first six conferences were held in 1991, 1996, 1999, 2001, 2003 and 2006,
respectively, and proved to be significant international events.

The PSI 2009 Conference is dedicated to the memory of a prominent scientist
academician A.P. Ershov and to a significant date in the history of computer
science in the country, namely, to the 50th anniversary of the Programming
Department (http://pd.iis.nsk.su/, in Russian) founded by him. Initially, the
Department was a part of the Institute of Mathematics and later, in 1964, it
joined the newly established Computing Center of the Siberian Branch of the
USSR Academy of Sciences. A.P. Ershov, who was responsible for forming the
Department, gathered a team of young graduates from the leading Soviet
universities. The first significant project of the Department was aimed at the
development of ALPHA system, an optimizing compiler for an extension of Algol
60 implemented on a Soviet computer M-20. Later the researchers of the
Department created the Algibr, Epsilon, Sigma, and Alpha-6 programming systems
for the BESM-6 computers. The list of their achievements also includes the
first Soviet time-sharing system AIST-0, the multi-language system BETA,
research projects in artificial intelligence and parallel programming, the
integrated tools for text processing and publishing, and many others. 
The scope
of problems facing the Programming Department was widening in time, its
organizational structure changed and there appeared new research directions,
school informatics and mixed computation among them. Founded in 1990, the
Institute of Informatics Systems is justly considered to be a successor of the
Programming Department keeping its main research directions and 
maintaining its
best traditions.


Alexander Marchuk
A. P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems & Novosibirsk State
University, Novosibirsk, Russia


Manfred Broy
Institut fuer Informatik, Technische Universitaet Muenchen, Germany

Bertrand Meyer
ETH Zurich, Switzerland,
and Eiffel Software, USA

Andrei Voronkov
The University of Manchester, UK


Tony Hoare
Microsoft Research, Cambridge, UK

Niklaus Wirth
Departement Informatik, ETH Zurich, Switzerland


Amir Pnueli
New York University, USA & The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel

Irina Virbitskaite
A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems & Novosibirsk State
University, Novosibirsk, Russia

Andrei Voronkov
The University of Manchester, UK


Natalia Cheremnykh
A.P. Ershov Institute of Informatics Systems
6, Acad. Lavrentiev pr., 630090 Novosibirsk, Russia
tel.: +7-383-3307352
fax: +7-383-3323494
e-mail: cher at iis.nsk.su
             psi09 at iis.nsk.su


Conference topics include:

1. Foundations of Program and System Development and Analysis

- specification, validation, and verification techniques,
- program analysis, transformation and synthesis,
- semantics, logic and formal models of programs,
- partial evaluation, mixed computation, abstract interpretation, compiler
   construction, - theorem proving and model checking, - concurrency theory,
- modeling and analysis of real-time and hybrid systems, - computer models and
   algorithms for bioinformatics.

2. Programming Methodology and Software Engineering

- object-oriented, aspect-oriented, component-based and generic programming,
- programming by contract, - program and system construction for parallel and
   distributed computing,
- constraint programming,
- multi-agent technology,
- system re-engineering and reuse,
- integrated programming environments,
- software architectures,
- software development and testing,
- model-driven system/software development,
- agile software development,
- software engineering methods and tools,
- program understanding and visualization.

3. Information Technologies

- data models,
- database and information systems,
- knowledge-based systems and knowledge engineering,
- bioinformatics engineering
- ontologies and semantic Web,
- digital libraries, collections and archives, Web publishing,
- peer-to-peer data management.

In addition to papers in the above list of topics, papers both 
bridging the gap
between different directions and promoting mutual understanding of researchers
are welcome. Papers defining the general prospects in computer 
science are also


Konstantin Avrachenkov, HP Labs Russia
Janis Barzdins, Univ. of Latvia, Riga, Latvia
Igor Belousov, HP Labs Russia
Frederic Benhamou, Univ. Nantes, France
Eike Best, Univ. Oldenburg, Germany
Stefan Brass, Univ. Halle, Germany
Kim Bruce, Pomona College, California, USA
Mikhail Bulyonkov, IIS SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Hans-Dieter Burkhard, Humboldt Univ., Berlin, Germany
Albertas Caplinskas, IMI, Vilnius, Lithuania
Gabriel Ciobanu, Inst. Comp. Sc. RA, Iasi, Romania
Javier Esparza, TUM, Muenchen, Germany
Jean Claude Fernandez, Univ. J. Fourier, Grenoble, France
Chris George, UNU/IIST, Macau
Jan Friso Groote, Eindhoven Univ. of Tech., The Netherlands
Heinrich Herre, University of Leipzig, Germany
Victor Ivannikov, IPS RAS, Moscow, Russia
Victor Kasyanov, IIS SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Joost-Pieter Katoen, RWTH Aachen Univ., Germany
Alexander Kleshchev, IACP RAS, Vladivostok, Russia
Nikolay Kolchanov, IC&G, Novosibirsk, Russia
Gregory Kucherov, CNRS/LIFL/INRIA, Lille, France
Rustan Leino, Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA
Johan Lilius, Abo Akademi Univ., Turku, Finland
Pericles Loucopoulos, Loughborough Univ., UK
Audrone Lupeikiene, IMI, Vilnius, Lithuania
Andrea Maggiolo-Schettini, Univ. Pisa, Italy
Klaus Meer, Cottbus, Germany
Dominique Mery, Univ. Henri Poincare, Nancy, France
Torben Mogensen, Univ. Copenhagen, Denmark
Bernhard Moeller, Univ. Augsburg, Germany
Hanspeter Moessenboeck, JK Univ. Linz, Austria
Peter Mosses, Swansea Univ., Wales,  UK
Peter Mueller, Microsoft Research, Redmond, USA
Fedor Murzin, IIS SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Valery Nepomniaschy, IIS SB RAS, Russia
Nikolaj Nikitchenko, Nat. Univ. Kiev, Ukraine
Jose R. Parama, Univ. A Coruna, Spain
Francesco Parisi-Presicce, Univ. "La Sapienza", Rome, Italy
Wojciech Penczek, Inst. Comp. Sci., Warsaw, Poland
Jaan Penjam, Tallinn Tech. Univ., Estonia
Peter Pepper, Tech. Univ. Berlin, Germany
Alexander Petrenko, IPS RAS, Moscow, Russia
Jaroslav Pokorny, Charles U., Prague, Czech Republic
Vladimir Polutin, HP Labs Russia
Wolfgang Reisig, Humboldt Univ., Berlin, Germany
Viktor Sabelfeld, Swisscom Schweiz AG, Bern, Switzerland
Donald Sannella, University of Edinburgh, UK
Timos Sellis, Nat. Tech. Univ. Athens, Greece
Alexander Semenov, Intel, Novosibirsk, Russia
Klaus-Dieter Schewe, Massey Univ, PN, New Zealand
David Schmidt, Kansas State Univ., Manhattan, USA
Nikolay Shilov, IIS SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Alexander Tomilin, IPS RAS, Moscow, Russia
Mark Trakhtenbrot, Holon Inst. of Technology, Israel
Alexander L. Wolf, Imperial College, London, UK
Tatyana Yakhno, Dokuz Eylul Univ., Izmir, Turkey
Wang Yi, Uppsala Univ., Sweden


Samson Abramsky (Oxford University, UK)
Dines Bjorner (Technical University of Denmark, Denmark)
Kim Guldstrand Larsen (Aalborg University, Denmark)
Wolfram Schulte (Microsoft Research, USA)
Lothar Thiele (ETH Zurich, Switzerland)


Paper submissions must:

- Contain original contributions that have not been published or 
submitted   to
other conferences/journals in parallel with this conference.

- Clearly state the problem being addressed, the goal of the work, the
results achieved, and the relation to other works.

- Be in PS or PDF and formatted according to Springer LNCS Instructions for
Authors: http://www.springeronline.com

- Have a length that does not exceed 12 pages for a regular paper and 7 pages
for a short paper.

- Be in English and in a form that can be immediately included in the
proceedings without major revision.

- Be sent electronically (as a PostScript or PDF file) using website
http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=psi09 not later than January 23,


A preliminary book of tutorials, invited and accepted contributions will be
available at the conference. The final versions of the papers presented at the
conference will be published by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in
Computer Science series after the conference. One can find the proceedings of
the previous five conferences in LNCS, Vol. 1181, 1755, 2244, 2890 and 4378,
respectively. Information on the previous conference and some pictures can be
found at the conference web site: http://psi.nsc.ru/psi06/index_e.shtml


The conference will be held in Akademgorodok (Academy town), 30 km South from
Novosibirsk, the largest city of Siberia. Akademgorodok is located in a
picturesque place near the Ob lake. It is surrounded with birch and pine
forests and pleasant not only for work but for recreation as well. Silence,
beautiful landscape, and pure air are the factors promoting 
scientific activity
and creativity.


You can fly to Novosibirsk via Moscow by Aeroflot, Transaero or S7. Direct S7
flights will bring you from Frankfurt, Hannover, Seoul or Beijing to
Novosibirsk and back. Now you can buy electronic tickets on Aeroflot, S7 and
Transaero flights via the websites and pay by VISA and other popular cards.

All participants will be met at the Novosibirsk airport and brought to
Akademgorodok by a special transport.


The weather in Novosibirsk in the middle of June is normally quite warm and
sunny with the temperatures in the range of 25-30 C. Night swimming in the Ob
lake is guaranteed.


N.B. Four satellite workshops will be held in conjunction with PSI'09:

- Science Intensive Applied Software,
- Informatics of Education,
- Program Understanding,
- History of Computer Science in Siberia (commemorating the 50th Anniversary
of Programming Department, Computing Center, Novosibirsk)

They will be announced later.


February 8, 2009: submission deadline of abstracts

February 15, 2009: submission deadline of papers

April 7, 2009: notification of acceptance

15-19 June, 2009: the conference dates

September 1, 2009: final papers due

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