[FOM] [CiE] Newsletter No.4, January 12, 2009

S B Cooper pmt6sbc at maths.leeds.ac.uk
Mon Jan 12 11:42:11 EST 2009

CiE Newsletter No.4, January 12, 2009


1. 4th Workshop on Theory of Quantum Computation, 
Communication and Cryptography (TQC 2009)

2. LOGIC IN COMPUTER SCIENCE (LICS 2009) - Final Call for Papers

3. COCOON 2009's Third Call for Papers

1. (from Viv Kendon) 4th Workshop on Theory of 
Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to inform you of the upcoming 4th Workshop on Theory of
Quantum Computation, Communication and Cryptography that will be held at the
Institute for Quantum Computing, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario,
Canada from May 11 to 13, 2009. This workshop focuses on the theory of the
following topics: (including but not limited to)

     * quantum algorithms

     * models of quantum computation

     * quantum complexity theory

     * simulation of quantum systems

     * quantum cryptography

     * quantum communication

     * quantum estimation and measurement

     * quantum noise

     * quantum coding theory

     * fault-tolerant quantum computing

     * entanglement theory

TQC 2009 is now open for submissions of papers. The workshop will consist of
invited talks, contributed talks, and a poster session.

Contributors can choose a preferred presentation type from Oral only, Poster
only, or Oral or Poster. A submission of the Oral or Poster type will be
reviewed as an oral presentation and if it is not accepted as an oral
presentation, it will then be reviewed as a poster.

The submission deadline is January 18, 2009 (23:59 EST) Please refer to the
workshop website for further detail:


A poster of the workshop can be downloaded here:


We would appreciate that you help to disseminate the information of this
workshop and post the poster on the bulletin board at your institution.


TQC 2009 Organizing Committee

2. (from Stephan Kreuzer) LOGIC IN COMPUTER 
SCIENCE (LICS 2009) - Final Call for Papers

              Twenty-fourth Annual IEEE Symposium on


                       Final Call for Papers

                   August  11--14, 2009,
               Los Angeles, California, USA


             Colocated with the 16th International
              Static Analysis Symposium (SAS 2009),
                        August 9--11

The LICS Symposium is an annual international forum on theoretical and
practical topics in computer science that relate to logic broadly
construed.  We invite submissions on topics that fit under that
rubric.  Suggested, but not exclusive, topics of interest for
submissions include: automata theory, automated deduction, categorical
models and logics, concurrency and distributed computation, constraint
programming, constructive mathematics, database theory, domain theory,
finite model theory, formal aspects of program analysis, formal
methods, higher-order logic, hybrid systems, lambda and combinatory
calculi, linear logic, logical aspects of computational complexity,
logical frameworks, logics in artificial intelligence, logics of
programs, logic programming, modal and temporal logics, model
checking, probabilistic systems, process calculi, programming language
semantics, proof theory, reasoning about security, rewriting, type
systems and type theory, and verification.  We welcome submissions in
emergent areas, such as bioinformatics and quantum computation, if
they have a substantial connection with logic.

Submission information:
   Authors are required to submit a paper title and a short abstract of
   about 100 words before submitting the extended abstract of the
   paper. All submissions will be electronic.

   All deadlines are firm; late submissions will not be considered.
   Submission is open at

   See below for detailed submission instructions.

Important Dates:
   Titles & Short Abstracts Due:  January 12, 2009
   Extended Abstracts  Due:       January 19, 2009
   Author Notification:           March 19, 2009
   Camera-ready Papers Due:       May 25, 2009.

Affiliated Workshops:
   As in previous years, there will be a number of workshops affiliated
   with LICS 2009; information  will be posted at the LICS website.

Program Chair:
      Andrew Pitts
      Computer Laboratory
      University of Cambridge, UK
      Andrew.Pitts at cl.cam.ac.uk

Program Committee:
   Rance Cleaveland, University of Maryland
   Karl Crary, Carnegie Mellon University
   Rocco De Nicola, Univ. degli Studi di Firenze
   Gilles Dowek, Ecole polytechnique
   Neil Immerman, University of Massachusetts
   Radha Jagadeesan, DePaul University
   Claude Kirchner, INRIA
   Marta Kwiatkowska, Oxford University
   Benoit Larose, Concordia University
   Soren Lassen, Google Inc.
   Leonid Libkin, University of Edinburgh
   Paul-Andre Melli?s, CNRS & Univ. Paris Diderot
   Eugenio Moggi, Universita di Genova
   Andrzej Murawski, Oxford University
   Gopalan Nadathur, University of Minnesota
   Prakash Panangaden, McGill University
   Madhusudan Parthasarathy, UI Urbana-Champaign
   Nir Piterman, Imperial College London
   Andrew Pitts, University of Cambridge
   François Pottier, INRIA
   Vijay Saraswat, IBM TJ Watson Research Center
   Lutz Schroeder, DFKI-Lab Bremen
   Nicole Schweikardt,  Univ Frankfurt am Main
   Alwen Tiu, Australian National University
   Hongseok Yang, Queen Mary Univ. of London

Conference Chair:
   Jens Palsberg, UCLA
   Los Angeles, California, USA
   palsberg at ucla.edu

Workshops Chairs:
   Adriana Compagnoni, Stevens Inst. of Technology
   Maribel Fernandez, King's College London, U.K.

Publicity Chairs:
   Stephan Kreutzer, University of Oxford
   Nicole Schweikardt, Universitat Frankfurt am Main

General Chair:
   Martín Abadi, Microsoft Research Silicon Valley and
               University of California, Santa Cruz

Organizing Committee:
   M. Abadi (chair), S. Abramsky, G. Ausiello, F. Baader,
   S. Brookes, S. Buss, E. Clarke, A. Compagnoni, H. Gabow, J. Giesl,
   R. Jagadeesan, A. Jeffrey, J.-P. Jouannaud, P. Kolaitis,
   S. Kreutzer, R. E. Ladner, J. A. Makowsky, J. Marcinkowski, L. Ong,
   F. Pfenning, A. M. Pitts, N. Schweikardt, P. Scott, M. Veanes

Advisory Board:
   R. Constable, Y. Gurevich, T. Henzinger, C. Kirchner, D. Kozen,
   U. Martin, J. Mitchell, L. Pacholski, V. Pratt, A. Scedrov,
   D.S. Scott, M.Y. Vardi, G. Winskel

Submission Instructions:
   Every extended abstract  must be submitted in the IEEE Proceedings
   two-column camera-ready format and may be no longer than 10 pages
   including reference with a font size of 10pt.  The LaTeX style
   files are available at http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/users/amp12/lics09/.

   The abstract must be in English and provide sufficient detail to
   allow the program committee to assess the merits of the paper.  It
   should begin with a succinct statement of the issues, a summary of
   the main results, and a brief explanation of their significance and
   relevance to the conference and to computer science, all phrased for
   the non-specialist. Technical development directed to the specialist
   should follow. References and comparisons with related work should
   be included. If necessary, detailed proofs of technical results can
   be included in a clearly-labeled appendix in the same two-column
   format following the 10-page extended abstract or there can be a
   pointer to a manuscript on a web site.  This material may be read at
   the discretion of the program committee. Extended abstracts not
   conforming to the above requirements concerning format and length
   may be rejected without further consideration.

   The results must be unpublished and not submitted for publication
   elsewhere, including the proceedings of other symposia or workshops.
   The PC chair should be informed of closely related work submitted to
   a conference or journal in advance of submission.
   All authors of accepted papers will be expected to sign copyright
   release forms.  One author of each accepted paper will be expected
   to present it at the conference.

Short Presentations:
   LICS 2009 will have a session of short (10 minute) presentations.
   This session is intended for descriptions of work in progress,
   student projects, and relevant research being published elsewhere;
   other brief communications may be acceptable.  Submissions for these
   presentations, in the form of short abstracts (1 or 2 pages long),
   should be entered at the LICS 2009 submission site in a time frame
   to be determined.

Kleene Award for Best Student Paper:
   An award in honour of the late S. C. Kleene will be given for the
   best student paper, as judged by the program committee.  Details
   concerning eligibility criteria and procedure for consideration for
   this award will be posted at the LICS website.  The program
   committee may decline to make the award or may split it among
   several papers.

   The symposium is sponsored by the IEEE Technical Committee on
   Mathematical Foundations of Computing in cooperation with the
   Association for Symbolic Logic, and the European Association for
   Theoretical Computer Science.

3. (from Hung Ngo) COCOON 2009's Third Call for Papers:


COCOON 2009's Third Call for Papers (Submission Site now open)

Call For Papers

The 15th International Computing and Combinatorics Conference (COCOON'2009)
will be held in the city of Niagara Falls, New York, U.S.A., July 13--15,
2009. The conference venue is a few steps away from Niagara Falls, the most
famous water Falls in the world. The venue is also within 20 minutes of the
State University of New York at Buffalo (SUNY Buffalo). SUNY Buffalo~Rs
Computer Science and Engineering department is a sponsor.

Original research papers in the areas of algorithms, theory of computation,
computational complexity, and combinatorics related to computing are
solicited. In addition to theoretical studies, submissions that report on
experimental and applied research of general algorithmic interest are also

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:

    * Algorithms and data structures
    * Algorithmic coding theory
    * Algorithmic game theory
    * Automata, languages, logic, and computability
    * Combinatorics related to algorithms and complexity
    * Complexity theory
    * Computational learning theory and knowledge discovery
    * Cryptography, reliability and security
    * Database theory
    * Computational biology and bioinformatics
    * Computational algebra, geometry, and number theory
    * Graph drawing and information visualization
    * Graph theory, communication networks, and optimization
    * Parallel and distributed computing.

COCOON will only accept electronic submissions in PDF format. A submission
should start with the title of the paper, each author's name, affiliation,
and e-mail address, and a one-paragraph summary of the results. This should
be followed by a scholarly exposition of the ideas, techniques, and a full
description of the results achieved. A clear indication of the motivation
and comparison with prior or related work should be presented. The paper
should not exceed 10 pages, excluding bibliography and appendices, on
letter-size paper using 11 point or larger font.

The proceedings of conference will be published by Springer-Verlag in the
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series. High quality papers will be
invited to a special issue in Algorithmica and/or Journal of Combinatorial

Keynotes / Invited Speakers

    * Venkat Guruswami (Washington)
    * Muthu Muthukrishnan (Rutgers)
    * Eva Tardos (Cornell)

Important Dates

    * Submission Deadline: Feb 09, 2009
    * Notification: Apr 06, 2009
    * Camera-ready and author registration: Apr 27, 2009
    * Early registration: May 18, 2009
    * Conference: Jul 13-15, 2009

Technical Program Committee

    * Srinivas Aluru (Iowa State University, U.S.A.)
    * Lars Arge (University of Aarhus, Denmark)
    * Vikraman Arvind (Institute of Mathematical Sciences, India)
    * James Aspnes (Yale University, U.S.A.)
    * Mikhail Atallah (Purdue University, U.S.A.)
    * Gill Barequet (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Israel)
    * Michael Brudno (University of Toronto, Canada)
    * Jianer Chen (Texas A&M, U.S.A.)
    * Bhaskar DasGupta (University of Illinois at Chicago, U.S.A.)
    * Anupam Gupta (Carnegie Mellon University, U.S.A.)
    * Lane A. Hemaspaandra (University of Rochester, U.S.A.)
    * Kazuo Iwama (Kyoto University, Japan)
    * Xiang-Yang Li (Illinois Institute of Technology, U.S.A.)
    * Avner Magen (University of Toronto, Canada)
    * Peter Bro Miltersen (University of Aarhus, Denmark)
    * Hung Q. Ngo (SUNY Buffalo, U.S.A., Chair)
    * Mohammad Salavatipour (University of Alberta, Canada)
    * Alan Selman (SUNY Buffalo, U.S.A.)
    * Maria Serna (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain)
    * Hans Ulrich Simon (Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany)
    * Daniel Stefankovic (University of Rochester, U.S.A.)
    * Chaitanya Swamy (University of Waterloo, Canada)
    * My T. Thai (University of Florida, U.S.A.)
    * Philipp Woelfel (University of Calgary, Canada)

Items for the next CiE Newsletter should be sent to pmt6sbc at leeds.ac.uk
to arrive by January 26, 2009

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