[FOM] Divergent series

K. P. Hart K.P.Hart at tudelft.nl
Sat Sep 22 16:00:57 EDT 2007

On Sat, Sep 22, 2007 at 09:47:18AM -0400, joeshipman at aol.com wrote:
> What is 1+2+3+4+...?
> <snip>
> What is the most general way known to consistently assign sums to 
> divergent series a0 + a1 + a2 + ... ? "Analytic continuation of a0 + 
> a1x + a2x^2 + ...to x=1 when the answer is unique" obviously is 
> consistent, but are there other methods consistent with this which 
> extend to situations where the power series has a 0 radius of 
> convergence and so cannot be analytically continued?

I would check `Divergent Series' by Hardy.

KP Hart

E-MAIL: K.P.Hart at TUDelft.NL           PAPER: Faculty EEMCS
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