[FOM] Advertising an approach to the philosophy of mathematics

hendrik@topoi.pooq.com hendrik at topoi.pooq.com
Sun Sep 9 16:16:14 EDT 2007

On Sun, Sep 09, 2007 at 08:12:34PM +0200, Frank Waaldijk wrote:
> 2. on your statement that it is or should be possible to give  a completely 
> scientific description of human mathematical practices, including a 
> scientific explanation of the
> applicability of mathematics. :
> i very much doubt this claim. there seems to be some circularity in it, 
> which i formulate somewhat like this: mathematics is a part of science. can 
> one give a completely scientific description of human scientific practices, 
> including a scientific explanation of the applicability of science? to me it 
> seems one should believe in the applicability of science in the first place, 
> in order to even start such an undertaking.

Isn't this just the usual quandary about separating a language from its 
metalanguage?  It's not a natural thing for us humans to do; we've 
learned to do it in in formal logic through trial and paradox.  
Presumably something in the philosophical/scientific theory being 
proposed would have to deal with this, and cannot just evade it by 
artifice.  I'd be interested to see how it's accomplished. 

-- hendrik

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