[FOM] Three quick comments.

Alex Blum blumal at mail.biu.ac.il
Tue Oct 23 04:36:47 EDT 2007

Bill Taylor wrote:

>-> Why are you bothered with certainty?  
>-> It seems to me that the primary focus should be on truth
>Perhaps even more urgent than either of these should be a primary focus
>on CLARITY.  I suspect that for the next several decades, this may be our
>most fruitful concern, and that polemical views about the others could wait.
>       MATH:     the discovery, clarification and rigorous study of
>            precise relationships in number, pattern, and structure.
Given  your logo, how does focusing on truth differ from focusing on 
clarity in mathematics?  For once things are as clear as can be there is 
nothing to discover. How would you apply your priorities to whether CH 
is true or not.
Alex Blum

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