[FOM] progress of philosophy in matehematics

Antonino Drago drago at unina.it
Tue Mar 13 12:41:21 EDT 2007

I think that rather to consume time outside our field of competence (i.e. 
inside the history of pure philosophy), it is more fruitful for us to reduce 
the range of the discussion on the "philosophical progress inside 
mathematics development".

For instance, why an apparently philosophical commitment of mathematics to 
the philosophical notion of  an infinitesimal (see Leibniz) was 
extraordinarely progressive for Western mathematics?

It is not a satisfying answer to use the after knowledge of non-standard 
analysis for evaluating positively this introduction of philosophy within 
mathematics. Beacuse the question comes again as a question about present 
time mathematics.
It is progressive to introduce in mathematics some notions which at present 
are of a purely philosophical nature, in the hope in the future they will 
become correct mathematical notions? Is present mathematics committed to 
notions of an apparent philosophical nature?

Best greetings

Antonino Drago 

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