[FOM] Machine-checkable proofs: NP, or worse?

Timothy Y. Chow tchow at alum.mit.edu
Thu Jun 14 19:31:17 EDT 2007

Tacitly, many people think of the problem of finding feasible proofs of 
mathematical theorems as an NP problem.  That is, it might be hard to find 
a proof, but once the proof is found, it is in principle straightforward 
to write it down and check its correctness.  I believe that this is also 
one of the tacit assumptions behind the various projects that aim to 
encode all the proofs in the mathematics textbooks and journals in 
machine-checkable form.  The idea is that we can achieve unparalleled 
(albeit not perfect) certainty about the correctness of our collective 
mathematical knowledge, because the program to verify a proof can be made 
extremely short and simple.  Then one can achieve extremely high 
confidence that the proof verifier is correct, and by running it on 
different platforms, etc., one can be highly confident that when it says 
that a certain proof is correct, then the proof is in fact correct.

Numerous practical objections to this utopian dream can be raised.  Once 
these databases start becoming a practical reality, managing them can 
become a complex project.  Multiple copies may be produced; there may be 
an irresistible temptation to economize by using abbreviations (and 
therefore increasing the complexity of the proof checkers) or databases of 
theorems whose proofs are stored "elsewhere"; slightly different dialects 
may emerge and it may be difficult to keep track of exactly which 
definition of (say) "manifold" is intended; and so on.  I'm sure these 
concerns are well known to those who think about such things.

Here I want to raise another issue which I suspect has not received as 
much attention.  Namely, I want to question whether NP is really the 
correct complexity class to have in mind here.  What made me think about 
this was Jonathan Schaeffer's announcement that the initial position of 
checkers may be solved within a year.

IF he does make this announcement, should we believe him?  From the point 
of view of machine-checkable proofs, we should really demand a 
machine-checkable certificate that a standard proof verifier (knowing 
nothing special about checkers) can validate.  The catch, of course, is 
that for a game like checkers, such proofs might be exponentially long.

The certificate for the initial position in checkers is probably not all 
that big, but it does raise the question of whether the NP way of thinking 
is really correct.  One can certainly imagine mathematical theorems that 
have feasible proofs in the sense that the "polynomial space" and the 
"exponential time" required to verify their correctness are both within 
the realm of feasibility, but where the "exponential space" required to 
store the certificate is not feasible.

One might respond to this objection by dismissing checkers as an anomalous 
instance, and that "most mathematical proofs aren't like that."  I would 
personally be rather wary of such a generalization.  Who knows what the 
future may bring?

What I would like to see is either

1. an argument that this is not really a problem, for example because any 
   such scenario could be handled by a "universal" verifier that can 
   simulate an arbitrarily complex calculation while maintaining a fixed 
   upper bound on the amount of code that is required to be bug-free; or

2. an argument that, subject to some complexity-theoretic assumptions, 
   this really *is* a potential problem and there's not much we can do 
   about it.

Does anyone see how to make either one of these arguments?


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