[FOM] truth axiomatizations
henri galinon
henri.galinon at libertysurf.fr
Thu Aug 24 14:48:24 EDT 2006
Dear Fomers,
I have some few questions about (typed) truth theories :
1) in the theory T(PA) (= PA + inductive clauses for truth+ full
induction), is the clause for the universal quantifier [something
like : Tr(AxFx) iff Ay Tr(F(y/x)) ] a kind of formalized omega-
rule ? (I'm not able to elaborate much more on my question...)
2) What is the strenght of the following theory : PA + T-
biconditionals (restricted to the language of L(PA)) + the only above
tarskian clause for the universal quantifier (and full induction) ?
Does it prove Coh(PA) ? (other way : do the *other* tarskian clauses
have any part in the *arithmetical* strenght of T(PA) ?)
3) Why is it, intuitively, that the extension of the induction scheme
to L(PA+Tr), when the truth predicate is asked to commute with
logical constants (as in T(PA)), is a genuine arithmetical extension
(ie non-conservative over PA), whereas when the truth predicate is
just asked to give the T-biconditionals, the extension is
conservative ? (after all, neither truth predicate is definable, so
when added to the induction scheme, things may happen... I'm confused
somewhere, but where ?)
[Of course I expect something more informative than the simple facts
that in the first you can prove that all theorems are true
and..and... and then the consistency of PA ..., whereas on the second
you just cannot prove any universal truth-theoretic statement, thus
not even the first part of the argument... ]
4) Now I would like to submit a modest tentative philosophical point
related to the "conservativity argument" against deflationism. This
is *very* sketchy, but I would be interested in objections.
Call a formalized theory T *faithful* to a informal theory Tee when
explanations of phenomena phi in Tee have couterparts as a proof in
T (that is: T proves phi).
Consider informally your theoretical commitments when you
attribute truth to PA (PA seen not as a formal theory but as a
formalized interpreted theory, for the attributions of truth to it to
make sense). It seems plain that in a faithful theory of the truth of
PA, you should be able to prove that all the axioms of PA are true,
that inference-rules preserve truth, and then that all theorems of
PA are true. Finaly, from this, you prove easily that PA is
consistent. So any faithfull theory of truth (for PA) is non-
conservative over PA. On the other hand, deflationists say that the
concept of truth, roughly, has no explanatory power (is not
substantial) : so it seems that deflationists are committed to the
view that a theory of truth should be conservative over PA. Hence a
theory of truth cannot both be deflationary and faithfull. Thus
deflationists have gone wrong.
The argument is well known (Shapiro, Ketland) and repeated here for
convenience. Now I want to question this predicament in a very simple
way :
a) conservativeness is a *relative* phenomena (conservativness over a
given theory); consequently it withnesses only *relative*
b) PA itself is unfaithful to informal arithmetic : it is this way
that Godel's theorems have mostly been understood (a refutation of
formalism, say). Its unfaithfulness may be seen, for example, this
way : you can have that PA prove F(0), F(1).... and still extend it
consistently with not-AxF(x) (in brief, PA is omega-incomplete).
c) That faithful theories of truth are substantial over unfaithfull
arithmetic does not show anything *specifically* for the alledged
substantiality of our concept of truth.
[d) Moreover, faithfull truth theories won't be substantial over
faithfull arithmetics (take semi-formal systems with infinitary
rules, progressions of formal systems, unfolding systems, etc.. Of
course, with Shapiro we can take also all this to show that a
deflationist (but not only) should acknowledge that second-order
arithmetics is better at faithfulness than first-order. This is
another question )]
In a word, the argument is : it is not possible to take godelian
phenomena to refute *both* formalism (or a version of it) and
[A last word : it might be that deflationists (eg H. Field) are often
physicalists, or formalists, or nominalist etc and godelian
phenomena *might* be taken to refute these positions ( that was
another discussion, twenty years ago, between the same). But
deflationism about truth does not imply any of this positions, as far
as I can see (and deflationists who take truth to apply to
propositions are consistent, even if not defending the most
interesting version of deflationism).As for *truth*, and our putative
need for a substantial theory of it, the conservative argument is not
conclusive, or so it seems to me.]
Henri Galinon
PhD student
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