[FOM] Meta-Logic
V.Sazonov at csc.liv.ac.uk
Mon Aug 14 19:12:29 EDT 2006
Quoting "Studtmann, Paul" <pastudtmann at davidson.edu> Fri, 11 Aug 2006:
> I am interested in knowing what the weakest systems are that can prove basic
> meta-logical theorems. For instance, I would like to know whether Peano
> Arithmetic can prove soundness and completeness for first order predicate
> calculus. Can anyone either state such results or direct me to the relevant
> literature?
In my paper
On existence of complete predicate calculus in metamathematics without
exponentiation, MFCS'81, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 118,
Springer, New York, 1981, P.483--490.
it is shown that in a quite weak framework that completenss of
first-order logic is equivalent to that of propositional logic, both
being open questions in that framework. So, in a definite sense, the
predicate logic is provably complete in that framework iff P=coNP.
Vladimir Sazonov
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