[FOM] Re: Query: Gödel 1931 translations

Richard Zach rzach at ucalgary.ca
Wed Oct 29 19:25:01 EST 2003

Thanks very much to all who replied to my query.  I still don't have a
Russian translation--so if anyone knows of one, I'd be grateful.  Here's
what I found, in case anyone else is interested:

English translations. 1) By B. Meltzer in  On formally undecidable
propositions of Principia Mathematica and related systems, Edinburgh:
Oliver and Boyd, 1962.35-72. 2) By E. Mendelsohn in M. Davis (ed.), The
undecidable, Hewlett, N.Y.:  Raven Press, 1965, 4–38. 3) By J. van
Heijenoort in his (ed.), From Frege to Gödel.  a source book in
mathematical logic, Cambridge, Mass.:  Harvard University Press, 1967,
592–617 [approved by Gödel]. Repr. with intro. by S. C. Kleene in Gödel,
Collected works, vol. 1 [see above; also several related pieces there].
Also in S. G. Shanker, Gödel’s theorem in focus, London:  Routledge,
1988, 17–47.

French translation. By J.B. Scherer as `Sur les propositions
formellement indécidables des Principia Mathematica et des systèmes
apparentés I', in E. Nagel, and J.R. Newman, Le théorème de Gödel,
Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1989, 106-143.

Spanish translations.  1) By M. Garrido and others as ‘Sobre
proposiciones formalmente indecidibles de los Principia Mathematica y
sistemas afines’, in Cuadernos Teorema 8, Valencia (Spain):  Revista
Teorema, 1980.  2) By  J. Mosterín as ‘Sobre sentencias formalmente
indecidibles de Principa Matematica y sistemas afines’, in  his (ed.)
Gödel, Obras completas, Madrid:  Alianza, 1981,  45–90. 

Portuguese translation.  As ‘Acerca de proposições formalmente indecidí
veis nos Principia Mathematica e sistemas relacionados’ in M. Lourenço
(ed.), O teorema de Gödel e a hipótese do contí nuo, Lisbon: Fundação
Calouste Gulbenkian, 1979,  245–290. 

Italian translations. 1) As ‘Proposizioni formalmente indecidibili dei
Principia mathematica e di sistemi affini I’, in E. Agazzi (ed.),
Introduzione ai problemi dell’assiomatica, Milan: Vita è Pensiero,
1961,  203-228. 2) By E. Ballo and others in their (ed.) Gödel, Opere
(1929–1936), Turin: Bollati Boringhieri, 1999, 113-138.

Japanese translation. As ‘Principia mathematica ya sono kanrentaikei
deno keisikiteki ni ketteihukanou na meidai nitsuite I’, in K. Hirose
and K. Yokota (eds.), Gödel no sekai [Gödel’s world], : Tokyo:
Kaimei-sha, 1985, 165–202.
Richard Zach ...... http://www.ucalgary.ca/~rzach/
Assistant  Professor,   Department  of  Philosophy
University of Calgary, Calgary, AB T2N 1N4, Canada

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