FOM: Refutation Theorem Proving and Natural Deduction?

Arnon Avron aa at
Fri May 24 01:49:13 EDT 2002

> In refutation theorem proving we produce a tree showing that a
> contradition can be produced while in natural deduction we produce a
> tree that the conclusion follows from the hypotheses. 
> Is there any formal connection between the two trees so that one can
> be converted to the other (regardless of how hard that might be)?

My paper "Gentzen-Type Systems, Resolution and Tableaux" (Journal of
Automated Reasoning 10,  265-281, 1993),  is devoted to explaining
the deep connections between Gentzen-type systems,
tableaux and resolution in the classical case.
We show there that both resolution and tableaux (the "refutation"
methods) are based on attempts to exploit the power of 
cut-elimination theorems in Gentzen-type calculi (which are,
in turn, closely connected to Normalization theorems in natural deduction).

Arnon Avron

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