FOM: diagrams conference

Stephen G Simpson simpson at
Tue Feb 19 09:06:12 EST 2002

 Date: Tue, 19 Feb 2002 12:33:55 +0100
 From: D2K2 <d2k2 at>
 Subject: Call for Participation: Diagrams'2002

			      Diagrams 2002
 Second International Conference on Theory and Application of Diagrams
			   April 18-20, 2002
		   Callaway Gardens, Georgia, USA

 Sponsored by:
 Office of Naval Research
 American Association for Artificial Intelligence
 Cognitive Science Society

 In cooperation with:
 Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
 Japanese Cognitive Science Society

 Diagrams 2002 Preliminary Programme

 April 18 Thursday
   8:00 -     Welcome

   8:30 -     Invited Talk: What Does It Mean for a 9:30 Computer to do
	      Diagrammatic Reasoning?: A Functional Characterization of
	      Diagrammatic Reasoning and Its Implications
	      B. Chandrasekaran, Ohio State University
   9:30 -     Refreshments
 10:00 -     Paper Session: Understanding and Communicating with Diagrams
	     Movement Conceptualizations in Graphical Communication
	     Ichiro Umata, Yasuhiro Katagiri, and Atsushi Shimojima
	     Toward a Model of Knowledge-based Graph Comprehension
	      Eric G. Freedman and Priti Shah

	     Learning on Paper: Diagrams and Discovery in Game Playing
	      Susan L. Epstein

   11:30 -    Lunch

   1:00 -     Paper Session: Diagrams in Mathematics
	     Using Animation in Diagrammatic Theorem Proving
	     Daniel Winterstein, Alan Bundy, Corin Gurr,
	      and Mateja Jamnik

	      Generating Euler diagrams
	      Jean Flower and John Howse

	     Corresponding Regions in Euler Diagrams
	     John Howse, Gem Stapleton, Jean Flower, and John Taylor

   2:30 -     Refreshments
   3:30       Poster Session: Computational Aspects of Diagrammatic 
	      and Reasoning

	     CDEG: Computerized Diagrammatic Euclidean Geometry
	      Nathaniel Miller

	     Compositional Semantics for Diagrams using Constrained
	      Bharat Jayaraman and Pallavi Tambay

	     Analogous Diagrams: Retrieving 2-D Line Drawings by
	      Patrick W. Yaner and Ashok K. Goel

	     A System that Supports Using Student-Drawn Diagrams to
	     Assess Comprehension of Mathematical Formulas
	      Steven Tanimoto, William Winn, and
	      David Akers

	     A Tool for Performing and Analyzing Experiments on
	     Graphical Communication
	      Patrick G.T.Healey, Nik Swoboda, and
	      James King

	     Grammar-based Layout for A Visual Programming Language
	     Generation System
	      Ke-Bing Zhang, Kang Zhang, and Mehmet
	      A. Orgun

	     Heterogeneous Data Querying in a Diagrammatic Information
	      Michael Anderson and Brian Andersen

	     Visualization vs. Specification in Diagrammatic Notations:
	     A Case Study with the UML
	      Zinovy Diskin

   3:30 -     Paper Session: Logic and Diagrams
	     The Inferential-Expressive Trade-Off: a Case Study of
	     Tabular Representations
	      Atsushi Shimojima

	      Modeling Heterogeneous Systems
	      Nik Swoboda and Gerard Allwein

	      On Diagram Tokens and Types
	     John Howse, Fernando Molina, Sun-Joo Shin, and John Taylor

 April 19 Friday

   8:00 - 9:30 Paper Session: Diagrams in Human-Computer Interaction

	      Effects of Navigation and Position on Task when
	      Presenting Diagrams to Blind People using Sound
	       David James Bennett

	      A Fuzzy Visual Query Language for a Domain-Specific Web
	      Search Engine
	       Christian Collberg

	      Diagrammatic Integration of Abstract Operations into
	      Software Work Contexts
	       Alan F. Blackwell and Hanna Wallach

   9:30 -      Refreshments

   10:00 -     Paper Session: How They look at Diagrams and Why It Matters
	      Extracting Explicit and Implict Information from Complex
	      J. Gregory Trafton, Sandra Marshall, Farilee Mintz, and
	      Susan Trickett

	      An RFV Study of Visual Attention and Representation
	      Switching During Java Program Debugging
	      Pablo Romero, Richard Cox, Benedict du Boulay,
	       and Rudi Lutz

	      Guiding Attention Produces Inferences in Diagram-based
	      Problem Solving
	      Elizabeth R. Grant and Michael J. Spivey

   11:30 -     Lunch

   1:00 - 2:30 Paper Session: Visualizing Information with Diagrams

	      ViCo: A Metric for the Complexity of Information
	      Johannes Gaertner, Silvia Miksch, and Stefan Carl-McGrath

	      Opening the Information Bottleneck in Complex Scheduling
	      Problems with a Novel Representation: STARK Diagrams
	      Peter C-H. Cheng, Rossano Barone, Peter I. Cowling, and
	      Samad Ahmadi

	      Using Brightness and Saturation to Visualize Belief and
	       Joseph J. Pfeiffer, Jr.

   3:00 - 3:30 Business Meeting

   3:30        Early adjournement so attendees can enjoy the gardens

 April 20 Saturday

   8:00 - 9:30 Paper Session: Diagrams in Software Engineering

	      Structure, Abstraction and Direct Manipulation in Diagram
	       Oliver Koeth and Mark Minas

	      On the Definition of Visual Languages and Their Editors
	      Paolo Bottoni and Gennaro Costagliola

	      Describing the Syntax and Semantics of UML Statecharts in
	      a Heterogeneous Modelling Environment
	      Yan Jin, Robert Esser, and Joern W. Janneck

   9:30 -      Refreshments
   10:30       Poster Session: Cognitive Aspects of Diagrammatic
	       Representation and Reasoning

	      The Learnability of Diagram Semantics
	       Pourang Irani

	      Understanding Simultaneity and Causality in Static
	      Diagrams versus Animation
	       Sarah Kriz

	      External Representations Contribute to the Dynamic
	      Construction of Ideas
	       Masaki Suwa and Barbara Tversky

	      One Small Step for a Diagram, One Giant Leap for Meaning
	      Robert R. Hoffman, John W. Coffey, Patrick J. Hayes,
	      Kenneth M. Ford, and Mary Jo Carnot.

	      Understanding Static and Dynamic Visualizations
	       Sally Bogacz and  J. Gregory Trafton

	      Teaching Science Teachers Electricity Using AVOW Diagrams
	       Peter C-H Cheng and Nigel G Pitt

	      Conceptual Diagrams: Representing Ideas in Architectural
	      Design Processes
	       Fehmi Dogan and Nancy J. Nersessian

	      Drawing in Cross-Linguistic Communication
	       Charlotte R. Peters and Patrick G.T.

   10:30 -     Invited Talk: Informal Tools for Designing Anywhere, Anytime,
   11:30       Anydevice User Interfaces
	      James Landay , University of California at Berkeley

   11:30 -     Conference Conclusion

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