FOM: A professional development opportunity through an EAF grant

Steve Stevenson steve at
Mon Feb 11 13:27:49 EST 2002

I use these methods almost exclusively. If you have not looked into
the non-traditionals methods, you might find them exilerating. The
make class a whole lot of fun.


Matt Insall writes:
 > Dear FOMers,
 >       Some of you may be aware of R.L. Moore and the teaching method he 
 > espoused.  It is referred to as the ``Socratic Method'', the Discovery 
 > Method'', the ``Moore Method'', the ``Texas Method'', and perhaps by 
 > several other names of which I am unaware.  Here at the University of 
 > Missouri - Rolla, professor W.T. Ingram teaches an undergraduate course 
 > called ``Foundations of Mathematics'' using this method, and he also 
 > teaches a Senior/Graduate class in topology by the Moore Method.  His 
 > efforts have lead to a grant from the Educational Advancement Foundation 
 > (see the following url:  to provide 
 > funds for visitors to Rolla to learn about this method of teaching.  In 
 > case some of you are interested in this style of teaching, more information 
 > is available through the ``Professional Development Opportunities'' link on 
 > our department web page at
 > If you come, then I would enjoy having some time to visit with you in 
 > person as well.
 > Matt Insall

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