FOM: What were Kronecker's f.o.m.?

Julio Gonzalez Cabillon jgc at
Wed Feb 23 16:39:55 EST 2000

Peter Schuster typed:
| In view of the  purpose of  f.o.m.  recently recalled by Stephen
| Simpson,  let me  freely  quote  Leopold Kronecker's  well-known
| dictum (reference unknown):
|    "Gott hat die Zahlen gemacht, alles andere ist Menschenwerk." 
|    ["God made the numbers, everything else is made by men."] 
| It is rather  tempting  to conclude that in Kronecker's eyes the 
| (rational) numbers were the only foundations of mathematics. 

Leopold Kronecker's well-known dictum is:

       "Die ganzen Zahlen hat der liebe Gott gemacht, alles andere
       ist Menschenwerk."

allegedly said by Kronecker in Berlin, in 1886.

As far as I can tell, this dictum first appeared in print in 1893,
cited by H. Weber in the memorial article "Leopold Kronecker" [*].

The key passage is:

       Mancher von Ihnen wird sich des Ausspruchs erinnern, den er
       in einem Vortrag bei der Berliner Naturforscher-Versammlung
       im  Jahre 1886 tat  "Die  ganzen  Zahlen hat der liebe Gott
       gemacht, alles andere ist Menschenwerk". 

    [Some of you will remember the statement he (= Kronecker) made
    in a  lecture  at the  'Berliner Naturforscher-Versammlung' in
    1886:   "Dear God made the whole numbers,  all the rest is the
    work of men".]

[*] Weber, H:
"Leopold  Kronecker",  _Jahresberichte der  Deutschen Mathematiker
Vereinigung_ vol ii (1893) pp 5-31. Cf page 19. See also _Mathema-
tische Annalen_ vol xliii (1893) pp 1-25.

Julio Gonzalez Cabillon

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