FOM: Correction:

Soren Moller Riis smriis at
Thu Sep 17 08:35:58 EDT 1998


Dear Prof. Cohn,

Concerning the measure space you defined [CH: Cohn 16/9 1998]  
I wrote [re: CH,  Riis. 16/9-1998]:

> First a minor technical point: Strictly speaking you do not define
> a probability measure because X can be divided into two disjoint 
> uncountable sets A,B. Each of these have measure 1, thus the whole
> space have measure 2, but was defined to have measure 1.
I now realize that you did not define p(A) = 1 for all
uncountable sets, only co-countable ones. Your definition is
however equivalent to my reading of his definition. I give
you my full excuse that I didn't read your definition 
sufficiently careful. My misreading didn't affect my general 
answer though.

Soren Riis

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