FOM: Jurassic pebbles

Kanovei kanovei at
Tue Mar 17 09:47:40 EST 1998

The Largange theorem is a product of social activity, 
and as such it most likely did not exist before L 
proved it. ("Most likely" refers to the unlikely case 
that someone got the result earlier but it remains 
unknown.) In particular it did not exist in the 
jurassic time. 

It is yet a different story that some mathematical 
theorems seem to directly reflect concrete physical 
phenomena, among those the Lagrange theorem. In this 
sense, the question has no difference from e.g. the 
did the planets of the Solar system obey 
the Kepler laws in the Jurassic time 
(with the hint in brackets: who among the members 
of the Jurassian bestiary was able to 
check whether the Kepler laws are obeyed ?) 

Vladimir Kanovei

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