FOM: information about the FOM list

Stephen G Simpson simpson at
Fri Mar 6 08:11:15 EST 1998

Vaughan Pratt writes:
 > you've overestimated their number (fom-request's "who" command
 > reports 191 readers.)

This reports only the regular fom subscribers, not fom-digest.  The
total right now is 311 subscribers.  To get both subscriber lists in
one e-mail, send

   who fom
   who fom-digest

to majordomo at  Tips of this kind are in the current FOM
information file, which is available on-line and is automatically sent
to new subscribers.  I'll append that file to the end of this message.

I've reorganized the FOM web page at

to make individual postings and monthly archives more accessible.  I
haven't received much feedback about the experimental search engines,
so please let me know what you think.

-- Steve Simpson
FOM moderator


  [Last updated on: Tue Jan  6 13:35:15 1998]
  FOM Information:
  FOM is an automated e-mail list for discussing foundations of
  mathematics.  It is a closed, moderated list.  This means that all
  subscriptions and postings must be approved by the person running the
  list, i.e. me, Steve Simpson.  Approval of a posting does not imply
  agreement with the views expressed in the posting.
  FOM subscribers typically have advanced training in mathematics,
  philosophy, computer science or related fields, and either have
  professional activity in one of these directions or are preparing for
  such a career.
  If you have received this information file, you may already be an FOM
  subscriber.  To unsubscribe, send an e-mail message consisting of
  "unsubscribe fom" (without quotation marks) to
        majordomo at
  To resubscribe, send "subscribe fom".  For a list of currently
  available archive files, send "index fom".  To get one of the archive
  files, send "get fom <filename>".  For a current version of this
  information file, send "info fom".
  FOM is also available in digest format.  This means that, instead of
  receiving each FOM message as an individual e-mail, you will receive
  groups of messages clumped together.  To subscribe to FOM in digest
  format, send "subscribe fom-digest".  To unsubscribe, send
  "unsubscribe fom-digest".
  For a list of current FOM subscribers, both fom and fom-digest, send
        who fom
        who fom-digest
  to the above e-mail address.
  FOM archive and information files and subscriber lists are also
  available on the web at
  For additional help, send "help".  If you have an FOM administrative
  question that is not answered by "help", send me e-mail.
  To post a message to FOM, send e-mail to
        fom at
  Please observe normal e-mail etiquette and remember that your message
  will be seen by a large number of people.  The following standards
    a. Those who post to FOM are encouraged to identify themselves by
    name, profession, institutional affiliation, and research interest
    if appropriate.  (An example is below.)
    b. FOM postings should be highly relevant to issues and programs in
    foundations of mathematics.  There should be a strong emphasis on
    intellectual and scholarly standards.  Postings should be
    thoughtful, well-reasoned, lively, and provocative.  Controversy is
    to be expected, but we should avoid personal invective and other
    irrelevant discussions.
    c. FOM postings are to consist of single-spaced, plain ASCII text.
    d. As FOM moderator, I intend to enforce the above standards
    selectively, as my time permits.  I do not guarantee uniform
  -- Steve Simpson
  FOM moderator
  Name: Stephen G. Simpson
  Position: Professor of Mathematics
  Institution: Penn State University
  Research interest: foundations of mathematics
  More information:

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