The Department of Computer Science regrets to inform you that Professor Amir Pnueli passed away on Monday, November 2, 2009. Please read the Department's news release.

Mugshot Amir Pnueli

Research interests

My main research interests are Semantics and Verification of Concurrent Programs, Temporal Logic, Logics of Programs, Specification and Non Procedural languages, Automatic Proof Methods for Correctness, Verification and Synthesis of Programs, Theory of Computation, Schemata Theory and its relations to Formal Languages Theory, Specification, Verification and Systematic development of Real-Time and Hybrid Systems. Refinement, using Temporal Logic. Compositional verification of reactive, real-time, and hybrid systems. Synthesis of such systems.


Some recent papers are available for downloading as technical reports. A full list of publications is also available. There is a list of list of invited talks, and a list of the books I am, or have been, involved in.

Additional information

Some additional information can be found in a short biography.