Verifying Tomasulo's Algorithm by Refinement

T. Arons and A. Pnueli

In this paper Tomasulo's algorithm for out­of­order execution is shown to be a refinement of the sequential instruction execution algorithm. Correctness of Tomasulo's algorithm is established by proving that the register files of Tomasulo's algorithm and the sequential algorithm agree once all instructions have been completed.

12th International Conference on VLSI Design

Gzipped PostScript

PVS dump file

The PVS dump file consists of the follwing.

The Tomasulo system is in file Tomasulo.pvs, its invariants are defined in TomDefs.pvs and the lemmas are listed in TomInvs.pvs The sequential system in is file seq.pvs.
The refinement between the two files in is file TomRefinesSeq.pvs The files def.pvs, Tdef.pvs and more_nat_types.pvs include definitions used by the two systems.

The verification was carried out in PVS Version 2.1 (patch level 2.414)

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