Towards Increased Productivity of Algorithm Implementation

Robert Paige

ONR Grant N00014-93-I-0924

                                    | Scientific Question: 
                                    | How can qualitative methods in
                                    | programming languages solve quantitative
                                    | problems in algorithms and complexity?

Scientific Approach:                | Proven Results Published in 1996:
1. Types facilitate algorithm       |1. O(n+m+logn) time O(n) space algorithm
design by modeling complex data     |to solve DFA minimization, where n and m
structures.                         |are the number of DFA states and
2. Rule Induction used in algorithm |transitions respectively.
Design and Analysis.                |2. O(r) time O(s) space algorithm to turn
3. Program well typedness is used   |regular expressions with r symbols and
to guarantee speedup from expected  |s alphabet symbols into compressed NFA's.
to worst case time                  |3. Runtime of complete linear time
4. Formal Semantic Specification of |fragment of Willard's RCS query language
type-directed high level batch      |improved from linear expected to linear
read method is used to develop      |worst case time on a pointer RAM.
an efficient read algorithm that    |4. Linear time algorithm to convert
unifies input complexity with       |input in string form into efficient
algorithmic complexity on a pointer |data structures for a variable list with
RAM.                                |any signature from our type system.

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