| Scientific Question: | How can programming language concepts | lead to algorithmic results?
Scientific Approach: | Proven Results Published in 1995: | 1. Type/subtype system abstracts |1.Theta(mn + n**2) time Ready Simulation sequential RAM model of computation,|algorithm; improves Omega(mn**6) solution and makes a high level set theoretic|2. Two new space/time improved algorithms language computationally transparent|for DFA minimization |3. Over a dozen algorithms that solve 2. Language abstraction captures |Programming Language Problems improved complexity and replaces counting |from Omega(f) hash operations to O(f) in arguments by a more syntactic and |the worst case algebraic worst case and amortized | algorithmic analysis |(New and Unpublished) | |4. Linear expected time fragment of |Willard's RCS Database Query Language |improved to linear worst case time
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