Honors Compilers HW 4 - due Tues. Apr. 21 Compiler Frontend Project Use the Eli system to write a frontend for the TassKaf subset of Java. Initially, your frontend should focus upon distinguishing correct and incorrect code. In its final form, it will build a symbol table and create as its output an abstract syntax tree of the TassKof source program. Your generated lexical scanner should be able to identify comments. Your generated parser should be able to perform syntax analysis and error detection (and recovery). Your semantic analyzer, written as an attribute grammar, should supply all the fields of the abstract syntax tree necessary for code generation. Test your frontend on the TassKaf code samples. ------------------------------------------------ To use the Eli system, add the following to your path (preferably towards the beginning, prior to /usr/lang): /usr/unsupported/installers/lewis/eli/elisys/bin Run the script "eli" ...