Honors Compilers HW 1 - due Tues. Feb. 5 Lexical Analysis 1. Show that regular expressions (a | b) * , (a* | b* )* , and ((lambda | a ) b * ) * are equivalent, because their minstate DFA's are the same, except for state names. 2. Prove that any DFA for regular expression (a | b)* a (a | b)...(a | b), where there are n-1 (a | b)'s at the end, must have at least 2**n states. 3. Consider the regular expression R = (a | b)* abb Compute I sup T, F sup T, lazynred, null, and lazydelta sup T for each subexpression of R. What is I sub R, F sub R, and lazydelta sub R, and describe the data structure to implement it. 4. What is the DFA that results from applying Rabin/Scott subset construction to your NFA from (3.)? Show the subset of NFA states corresponding to each of your DFA states. 5. Problem 8 in Chapt. 7 of W/M book. 6. Problem 10 in Chapt. 7 of W/M book. (correction: use the dfa produced in ex. 8; use the table compression technique of sec. 7.4.3)