- 01/21/99, added #include line to
example programs
- 01/21/99, put up notes on compiling under
unix, and added some assignments. Try it!
- 01/22/99, for the students in the 1:20PM - 2:35PM session:
the ACF has network problems in classroom 101, if they don't fix it by next
week, I'll get the course-notes on a disk.
- 01/25/99, requested some books to be reserved at Bobst. Unfortunately, the
most relevant books need to be recalled which could take a while. Nevertheless,
there are copies of "Joy of C" and "C++ - Programming with Class" which are
quite nice.
- 01/26/99, Henrik Theiling pointed out
some typos in the example programs. They should be fixed by now.
- 01/28/99, the lectures on control
flow statements and on functions
are online!
- 01/28/99, some reasonable C books are available at Bobst.
Michael Overton was so nice
to contribute his personal copies.
Instructor ID :ITZKOVITZ, A.
Department :COMPUTER SCI Year : 1999
Meets : Admin. ID :
Term :SPRING Course Section :
1. Yes Programming with class BRES XIA0202.V63 ...
2. Yes The Joy of C--3rd Edition 1997 BRES XIA0202.V65 ...
3. Yes The Joy of C--2nd Edition 1993 BRES XIA0202.V71 ...
- 01/28/99, included some suggested
Please feel free, to send me your solutions for feedback.
- 02/04/99, added notes on arrays,
strings and
processes. The example programs address certains aspects from the
- 02/05/99, changed the first homework problem after
Scott Kim and
pointed out a problem in the assignment
- 02/06/99, fixed a typo in the last Program 9 of the notes on
Nancy Chiu found this
- 02/11/99, fixed some more typos in the string notes. Added a
little application demonstrating some simple string processing.
- 02/12/99, fixed another typo in the string notes (program 11).
Thomas Kartanowicz
found the bug.
- 02/13/99, the example shell is available now! Download it
here. You've to unzip the file,
and to untar it. Save the file in a directory at omicron. Then type:
$ gunzip shell_directory.tar.gz
$ tar -xf shell_directory.tar
This will generate the directory shell_directory. The shell executeable
is called shell1. (I've corrected these downloading instructions
after Fatima found a typo.)
- 02/13/99, We've more books on reserve!
Instructor ID :ITZKOVITZ, A.
Department :COMPUTER SCI Year : 1999
Meets : Admin. ID :
Term :SPRING Course Section :
1. Yes Programming with class BRES XIA0202.V63 ...
2. Yes The Joy of C--3rd Edition 1997 BRES XIA0202.V65 ...
3. Yes The Joy of C--2nd Edition 1993 BRES XIA0202.V71 ...
4. Yes C programming language BRES QA76.73.C15 ...
5. C programming language QA76.73.C15 K47 Recalled 02/14
6. C++ primer QA76.73.C15 L57 Recalled 02/14
7. C programming language QA76.73.C15 K47 Recalled 02/14
8. Yes The C programming language BRES QA76.73.C15 ...
- 02/13/99, fixed a bug in the example shell discovered by
- 02/16/99, clarification:
A complete solution for the shell assignment
does the following - everything else is optional:
- runbg NAME PARAM -
starts specified program NAME in the background and
prints the id of the process started;
assume that program NAME takes exactly one parameter
- runfg NAME PARAM -
starts specified process in the foreground
- listp - list the process id's of
the processes which might still be running.
(We didn't
discuss in class how to check whether a process is still
However, your shell knows which processes
were started in the background. Moreover, the shell can infer
in some cases that a process is definitely finished.)
- waitp PROCESS_NUMBER - suspends the shell
until the process PROCESS_NUMBER is finished
We don't ask you to deal with any
- illegal user input
- attempts to start programs which aren't in the shell
- programs with flexible number of parameters
- remembering the name or the parameters of the running
- figuring out which processes are actually still running
Please, mention the full functionality of your shell in your
homework submission. Make sure that we know of all extra
If your shell is not completely working,
you should state the missing parts and briefly outline how
you would implement this.
- 2/18/99, added link to todays lecture on functions
- 3/07/99, added link to example midterm
- 3/07/99, added link to the solutions for the
example exam.
- 3/11/99, added notes for the lecture on stacks
the notes on pointers will be revised
sometime soon...
- 4/01/99, added link to today's programs and some more
- 4/01/99, added link to the notes on
file input/output
- 5/03/99, almost missed last class, here are the complete
lecture notes
- 5/04/99, more explanations for example exam