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A Revised Template Description for Time (v3)

James Pustejovsky

Federica Busa

Computer Science Department, Brandeis University

Waltham, MA 02254


In this short note, we suggest certain changes and additions to the current template description for the time object for the Tipster extraction domains. In particular, we propose a model with an expanded set of possible primitive fills, obviating the need for the "string fills" from the MUC domain. Our methodology has been to exhaustively examine the available texts in the Tipster corpus, and account for as many grammatical patterns as possible. Finally, we retain the original syntax for the template description, while providing an explicit interpretation for the expressions.

1 - Introduction
2 - Temporal Connectives
3 - Enriching the Vocabulary of Temporal Expressions
4 - Example Translations with the new Model
5 - Bare Temporal Phrases

A Revised Template Description for Time (v3) - 07 JUN 95
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