(file name: score-summary.CO.10may95) SUMMARY SCORE REPORTS FOR MUC-6 DRY RUN OF THE COREFERENCE TASK The Recall (REC) and Precision (PRE) scores provide a measurement of the extent to which the system got all the expected info (Recall) and only the expected info (Precision). ================================================================================ System Pseudonym: Asterix * * * TOTAL COREFERENCE SCORES * * * ---------------------------+----------------+----------------+---------------- Coreference Totals: Recall: 192/1644 = 0.12 Precision: 192/416 = 0.46 ================================================================================ System Pseudonym: Oracle95 * * * TOTAL COREFERENCE SCORES * * * ---------------------------+----------------+----------------+---------------- Coreference Totals: Recall: 119/1644 = 0.07 Precision: 119/996 = 0.12 ================================================================================ System Pseudonym: endocranial * * * TOTAL COREFERENCE SCORES * * * ---------------------------+----------------+----------------+---------------- Coreference Totals: Recall: 550/1644 = 0.33 Precision: 550/732 = 0.75 ================================================================================ System Pseudonym: [more-]fresh-turnips * * * TOTAL COREFERENCE SCORES * * * ---------------------------+----------------+----------------+---------------- Coreference Totals: Recall: 67/1644 = 0.04 Precision: 67/209 = 0.32 ================================================================================ System Pseudonym: turkey * * * TOTAL COREFERENCE SCORES * * * ---------------------------+----------------+----------------+---------------- Coreference Totals: Recall: 623/1644 = 0.38 Precision: 623/1427 = 0.44