Controlling Your Jet

The operation of Jet is controlled through a parameter file, as well as through the Jet console.  This file specifies the file names for the various linguistic resources (lexicon, patterns, etc.) as well as the sequence of tools to be applied to the text. The name of the parameter file is given as an argument when Jet is invoked;  if no argument is specified, you will be prompted for the parameter file (if the program is connected to a terminal).

The parameter file consists of lines with the format

parameter = value
The equal sign may be preceded or followed by whitespace characters.  If a value is very long, it may be continued on the next line by placing a backslash ("\") at the end of the line.  Comments -- lines beginning with a "#" -- may be included.
EnglishLex.fileName* file(s) containing English lexicons (relative to Jet.dataPath)
Pattern.fileName* file(s) containing patterns (relative to Jet.dataPath)
Grammar.fileName file containing grammar (relative to Jet.dataPath)
Concepts.fileName file containing concept hierarchy (relative to Jet.dataPath)
WriteSGML.type annotation type to be included when document is written in SGML format
JetTest.fileName* file(s) containing documents to be processed (relative to Jet.dataPath)
Jet.dataPath directory containing data files
processDocument sequence of actions to be performed on document
processTextZone sequence of actions to be performed on text zone
processSentence sequence of actions to be performed on each sentence
Jet.batch if assigned any value, run in batch mode:  process documents given by JetTest.fileName,
do not display console, and send all console messages to standard output

An * indicates that multiple values of the parameter may be given, each beginning with the parameter name;  all the specified files will be read.  For example,

EnglishLex.fileName1 = bigDict.txt
EnglishLex.fileName2 = smallDict.txt
will cause both bigDict.txt and smallDict.txt to be loaded and used.