Using the Jet API

In addition to running JET stand-alone, you can use it as part of another application.  In this case jet.jar (i.e., must be included among the libraries when running your application.  Here is a small sample program which uses Jet:

 1   import Jet.*;
 2   import Jet.Tipster.*;
 3   import java.util.Vector;
 4   import;
 6   class UseJet {
 8   public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException {
 9     System.out.println("Starting UseJet...");
10     JetTest.initializeFromConfig("C:/My Documents/Jet/");
11     String txt = "<TEXT>My first sentence to be analyzed for class.</TEXT>";
12     Document doc = new Document(txt);
13     Control.processDocument (doc, null, true, 1);
14     Vector v = doc.annotationsOfType("constit");
15     for (int i=0; i<v.size(); i++) {
16       Annotation a = (Annotation) v.get(i);
17       System.out.println ("Constit " + a.get("cat") + " over " + doc.text(a));
18       }
19     }
20   }

and a brief explanation of this program:

initializeFromConfig loads a JET properties file and all the associated resources (grammars, lexicons, patterns, HMMs, etc.).  The properties file should be the same as for a stand-alone run.
sets up the document to be analyzed.  By default, only text inside <TEXT> ... </TEXT> is analyzed.
processes the document.  The parameters to processDocument are
retrieve annotations of type constit from the document and print out, one per line, the cat feature of the annotation and the text spanned by the annotation